Zenker’s Diverticulum And Bad Breath

What In The World Is The Zenker’s Diverticulum? Whatever It Is, It Could Be Giving YOU Bad Breath

Now that I’ve got your attention with the crazy phrase in the title – if you’ve been searching all over the web for a way to get rid of your bad breath, did you know that not all bad breath comes from oral sources?

Other conditions of the human body can give you bad breath, like acid reflux or even bowel problems.

It may sound crazy and bizarre, but these issues can cause bad breath and when they do, the small percentage of people are affected (maybe you) are affected chronically.

Chances are, you likely have a chronic case of bad breath that you’ve been trying to treat, but haven’t really been able to get rid of it!

You might even be part of a very small percentage and are born with a rare defect with a pouch in your esophagus. (Statistics are about 2 in every 100,000 – talk about a small percentage!)

Think about it, sac-like object in this area – this is a breeding ground for bacteria to grow from all the food particles you ingest!

This pouch is known as the Zenker’s diverticulum – a mucous like pouch shaped like a sac between the fibers of the cricopharyngeus and the lower inferior constrictor muscle.

With accumulation of food in the Zenker’s diverticulum will cause bacteria to grow and multiply, causing you to emit bad breath our of your mouth.

Higher levels of bacteria may also cause digestive discomfort and bad breath, especially after sugary treats. (Treating yourself comes with a price!)

Sugar is okay once in awhile, but beware that nasty gut biome bacteria love sugar just as much as you do!

This is primarily because of candida and yeast feeding on the sugars in your gut. They will have a lot to feed on with debris getting stuck in the Zenker’s diverticulum.

If you’ve tried many different ways on getting rid of your bad breath from an oral perspective, it is time to think outside of the box and see where you can find the source it all.

Think you might be born with Zenker’s diverticulum? Set up an appointment with your doctor and dentist and get it checked out.

If left untreated, bad breath might not be the only issue you’ll have, you might even experience gastrointestinal problems later down the line.

If you found this article useful, check out bad breath free forever, an online, step by step approach to rid your bad breath by not just treating the symptoms, but identifying what is causing them, and addressing the issue from there.

The program takes a multi pronged approach method in targeting the root cause of your symptoms, much like the content we produce.

We also are a big proponent of preventative care when it comes to oral health and we advocate brushing and flossing twice a day, minimum.

Earlier mentioned, if you’ve kept on searching and searching for why you have bad breath, you could even be part of a very small percentage of the population!

P.S Use this link for a special $10 discount on Bad Breath Free Forever!