You Might Even Brush And Floss Twice A Day And Still Have Bad Breath – Here’s Why

Not brushing and flossing your teeth is one sure fire way to start developing bad breath, but EVEN if you find yourself with a good oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing twice a day, you might still find yourself with bad breath! How?

In people that do have bad breath, most of the bad breath is caused by bacteria in the mouth. As we eat our meals, food particles and debris get lodged inside the crevices of your teeth and gums, releasing gas like scents like sulfur at an extreme case. This type of bad breath is 100% due to poor oral hygiene care.

Quality over quantity.

You don’t want to be running the floss for a second between your teeth, or brushing for only 30 seconds, you want to ensure a quality brushing session.

Simply brushing your teeth will just not cut it. It will not get all of the microscopic particles that get lodged in there. ANY particle will get digested and fed on either by the saliva in your mouth, or bad breath producing bacteria create a rotten smell like environment within your mouth.

More extremely, the accumulation of the debris could even propagate into a whitish deposit on the surface on your teeth. You’ll hear all about it on dental commercials all the time – its called plaque.

If we go even further, the plaque will then harden into calculus. Calculus requires extensive measures to remove – you just can’t remove it with a tooth brush. Once calculus starts forming, you also probably even have inflammation in your gums that you’re worrying about.

What you need is an effective oral hygiene. Not some poor routine, that you might even halfass most of the time.

Visit your dentist at least twice a year, it seems as if people don’t do this anymore…

The routine to take care of your teeth as follows:

We recommend brushing with any of the newer Phillips Sonicare brushes. Properly brush the teeth, gums, and tongue. The most important area to brush is between the teeth and gums, as that is where most of the food tends to get stuck. Flossing will also get rid of any additional food particles within the teeth. Go even a further step with an anti-bacterial mouthwash, like Listerine, will rinse out bacteria in the mouth and even give you a fresher breath.

If you have any dentures, it is IMPORTANT to keep them clean. Any dentures or fixtures pertaining to your mouth will accumulate tar tar and plaque over time.

An easy way to keep fixtures like retainers clean is to scrape off as much as you can with your toothbrush, or keep them in your mouth and rinse off with Listerine. Listerine is great for removing plaque and tar tar.

If you don’t already do so, make sure you schedule 2 appointments every year with your dentist. You might even want to ask your dentist how you’d want to brush your teeth. They can evaluate your technique and help you adjust based on your overall oral health.

Dentists may even recommend you to quit smoking or even look at your diet and evaluate what bad breath causing foods you might eat along with other lifestyle choices.

We also recommend you to check out Bad Breath Free Forever for additional details on how you can control your bad breath at the root of the cause.

Start taking action today.