You Have Halitosis? Let’s See What You’re Probably Going Through

The main cause of bad breath is…drum roll….caused by poor oral hygiene. 100 percent. Many of these oral related diseases like gum disease and bad breath that you experience once you start hitting middle age can be prevented with proper oral hygiene. The sad part is that it’s all preventable. An ounce of treatment is worth a pound of cure is what they say and we agree.

What symptoms are you possibly going through? Well if you’re going through Halitosis, there’s no doubt that you have bad breath. Although bad breath is pretty widely common amongst adults, if left untreated, the negative effects can compound into something much more chronic and worse, like gum disease or tooth decay. This needs to get you to start taking some action, otherwise, you’re in for a rude wake up call later down the road. To add some insult to injury, its not always possible for individuals to even know that they have bad breath, as the nose acclimates to the scents that its exposed to over a long period of time, so sometimes the only way to even find out is through feedback that may sound insulting.

It’s difficult to explain, but the actual odor coming from bad breath can vary, depending on the root cause. Based on even the source of the bad breath, the associated symptoms will also differ from cause to cause. If we look at gum disease from poor oral hygiene, we’ll notice that gum disease is typically associated with debris from food that is stuck between the teeth, and as a long term outcome, a thick whitish film, a.k.a. calculus/plaque will accumulate and cause bad breath and inflammation. Inflammation is a scary one because it can lead to bleeding, swelling of the gums, gum recession, and long term damage.

Conditions like respiratory illnesses, diabetes, dehydration, Keto-breath, smoking are all associated with other symptoms or scents. If we’re taking a look at bad breath through dehydration, we’ll see that those who suffer from it will commonly experience dry mouth, which can also be linked to dry skin, difficulty speaking, and having a tough time swallowing food and digesting.

Let’s summarize some of the major symptoms to give you a checklist you can refer to:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Decreased Saliva Production
  • Bleeding Gums When Flossing
  • Inflammation
  • Gum Recession
  • Tooth Decay
  • Tartar
  • Plaque
  • Sore Throat
  • Asthma
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Diabetes
  • Post Nasal Drip
  • Allergies

All of the aforementioned symptoms CAN be associated with bad breath.

First things first, if you notice ANY indication of bad breath, stop and take a look at yourself immediately, especially your oral hygiene routine. Next, review the lifestyle choices that you make such as if you smoke, drink alcohol often, or your food choices. Evaluate whether or not you go to the dentist, and make the necessary changes to do so if you don’t. Twice a year minimum.

Also, check out Bad Breath Free Forever for natural remedies to cure all of the symptoms mentioned above. Guaranteed satisfaction, or your money back in 30 days, don’t be scared to try them out!