You Have Bad Breath And You Can’t Seem To Find Out Why…

If you’ve really exhausted all possible causes on why you have bad breath and you’re not able to treat it, don’t worry. You’re not alone. The truth is, a simple home care routine of brushing and flossing your teeth and gums to fix your bad breath may not be enough. It’s like putting a bandaid on a wound. It’ll help the wound out, but not ultimately cure the wound. If this is the case, and all you’ve been doing is google searching this site on how to cure your breath, now’s the time to go see a doctor or dentist.

Just to help you filter it out, according to the Academy of General Dentistry, 90% of cases relating to bad breath are linked to the mouth, throat, and tonsils. Due to those general areas that the causes of bad breath are susceptible, you should see a dentist as they specialize in these areas and in cases of bad breath. Your dentist will be able to clean the mouth in a way that you’re not able to with only brushing and flossing. They might use UV cleaning or even go as far as to manually scrape off the existing plaque and tar tar that builds up just as a function of normally eating meals. (This build up is really inevitable and varies from person to person based on genetics) If the cleaning from the dentist doesn’t do the trick, this might go beyond causes from the oral region such as the mouth, throat, or tonsils. In this special case, your dentist would refer you to your family doctor (someone who understands you and your families’ health history) or a specialist.

If we’re looking at the other 10% of the causes of bad breath, we need to take a look at certain diseases linked to bad breath like diabetes or respiratory illnesses.

Are you a smoker? If so, you might not realize this, but smoking can cause bad breath, by essentially drying your mouth, eliminating the digestive properties of saliva in your mouth, to effectively break down food.

This can extremely go all the way to even your diet! Are you ingesting a lot of acidic food? Are you on that #Keto diet? Those types of diets are known to cause an impact to your breath. Even if you’re doing so well on your diet, if it’s causing you to have chronic bad breath (Halitosis), you might want to reevaluate your diet and try something different. Worth? Up to you.

Sometimes, the medications you use may even impact how your breath smells. A lot of that nasty medication comes with additional side effects that absolutely no one reads. If something like this is the case, go see your physician and ask whether or not they can prescribe alternatives that won’t give you bad breath.

For bad breath linked to certain disease, you want to see your primary healthcare provider to diagnose and treat these conditions.

Even more extreme, if you’re noticing bad breath through your children, this might be an indicator to an undiscovered medical issue. Start your children on the right track by teaching them a proper, healthy daily hygiene routine and get them to visit the dentist twice a year.

We want to do the best we can to help you figure out the cause of your bad breath. No one deserves to have it. We are all social creatures and need to verbally communicate to each other. Having bad breath makes it difficult and can cause you anxiety and insecurity. We want to help.

Most of the information presented in this article comes from Bad Breath Free Forever – an online, step by step program to target bad breath at the source of the cause. The solutions provided in the program are 100% natural, and even offer a satisfactory guarantee or your money back. If it doesn’t work for you within 30 days, just return it!

Just because we want to help you out as much as possible, use this link for a $10 discount!

No catch – the guarantee still applies.

Take care of yourself, and your family.

We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!