Why You Should Lose Weight, In Today’s World, 2020

A really silent truth, but in today’s world, you’re treated differently if you’re obese or overweight. It’s sad to say that its’s becoming the norm that its normal to have a “gut” hanging out, or that its totally acceptable to binge on junk food and sweets.

Why do we feel it has become this way?

Simple – combined with the harsh realities of life along with being able to share the majority opinion through social media, this message of fat acceptance gets spread across, and very quickly, practically instantaneously.

What Went Wrong In Today’s Society?

Fat acceptance is universally practiced, especially in the United States. It’s completely normal to eat fast food for lunch everyday, bring treats in the office, ingesting literally hundreds of grams of sugar a week! It’s not even an exaggeration!

Seriously, if you want to open up your perspective, go travel around the world. It’s shocking how crazy the obesity epidemic in America really is when you see for yourself what the world looks like outside.

Even with all of the measures America is taking to combat obesity such as calorie labels on food packaging, it still doesn’t deter people away from fast food?

Why is that?

Because most Americans are not in control of their lives. They are simply living to this “American Dream” narrative which consists of working a job they hate and raising kids and doing things like feeding them & changing their diapers, taking away from the happiness themselves. There. It’s been said!

We’re sorry!

We understand that life is hard, but simply giving in will yield to unsatisfaction elsewhere – is that dopamine surge from the food really worth gaining a few extra pounds? Not worth in our opinion.

Some features that are now common as a function of fat acceptance:

  • Double Chin
  • Hanging Gut
  • Bulging Dress Shirt
  • Old Person’s Gut
  • Beard To Hide Double Chin
  • Angled Pictures
  • Instagramming Pictures of Food
  • Drive Thru Windows Always Crowded

We’re really sorry for being harsh. If you’ve made it down this far, we’re happy to say that you understand and that this might’ve even opened your eyes a bit.

The good thing you can take out of this?

If older and in shape, fitness will be a status symbol. Fitness at an older age represents discipline with time. Fitness takes years to learn and master and at an older age, you’re showing that you’re not succumbing to the temptations of everyday life such as food.

The bad side? People are gonna make passive aggressive compliments towards you.

“Damn, look at you!”

“I’d rather enjoy life & eat sugar”

“I’m a fan the dad bod”

The dad bod!

Even something as ridiculous as the dad bod is starting to get in now!

Take advantage of how easy it is to get ahead of your peers.

Let’s do a simple analysis and say the majority represents your coworkers in the office. Unfortunately, many of them are going to be overweight, have double chins, have a gut – it’s practically become the norm! Every now and then you’ll see the ones who are fit, and it rewards to be fit as it makes you stand out! Now, the older you get, the harder it is to remain in peak fitness, essentially making you stand out even more if you’re older and in good health.

Get working today, especially during quarantine! We know it’s hard without a gym membership or even gyms shut down at this time, but its simple to order some weights online, or even get your diet in check or even start running!