Bad Breath – Why No One Talks About An Embarrassing Issue!

There are always those things you’re not allowed to mention in public…bad breath is one of them.

We all know about forbidden topics that will make the entire room freeze if mentioned. A person’s weight is one of those things that are taboo to talk about in front of others. Wanna know another societal taboo? Its bad breath. Its literally forbidden to talk about whether or not someone has bad breath. Its deemed a pretty uncomfortable topic in today’s society. Determining whether or not you have bad breath or not can be difficult – its pretty hard to self diagnose your bad breath, when its not really detectable from you yourself. When one is notified of their bad breath, it usually comes from someone close – like a friend or relative. You can imagine it’d be a pretty awkward interaction.

Bad breath doesn’t only have its medical consequences like gum disease, it also provides social discomfort. In some extreme cases, problems like bad breath will escalate in marriages in relationships. You can see all the couples that let themselves go after a certain number of years they’re together, and you can see their physical qualities decline, and problems like bad breath start to propagate. Even in a professional setting, you will notice that scent has a huge effect, not even limited to just breath. Looking at someone’s nonverbals will answer it all. 

Don’t let bad breath escalate all the way to the bedroom

If you want a quick, and easy on the go fix, try looking into mouth rinses, sprays, or even a pack of gum. 

If you’ve experienced anxiety from someone telling you about your bad breath, don’t worry. You’re not alone. There are plenty of ways to fix it. Anxiety from bad breath can also lead to frequent mouth breathing and prolonged acid reflux, essentially causing a negative downwards cycle of consequences just from bad breath. Theres been research stating that bad breath is linked with social anxiety disorder. We hope you don’t get to this point.

Seek help right away as soon as you’re aware of your condition. Be considerate towards others around you and even yourself.

Treating your bad breath is important not only for your oral health, but for your social health as well. Its one less thing to want to worry about in the grand scheme of things. If you notice that this article describes you, take action now. Speak with your healthcare provider about a development plan to target bad breath and maybe even any social or psychological issues you deal with. Don’t worry. You’re not alone. There are millions of others going through what you’re going through.

Along with a proper development plan from your healthcare provider, check out bad breath free forever for detailed steps on a proper oral hygiene routine along with natural remedies for bad breath. Bad breath free forever consists of a step by step program designed to target symptoms of bad breath at the source, and not just treating symptoms on the fly like putting on a bandaid does.