Universities Really Should Use Start Implementing This Textbook In School – It Will Engage Classmates!

If history could be a fun and engaging subject in school, imagine how much more happiness and overall positive outlook that would have on education. From an ex-college student’s perspective, it seems like in basic general education courses like history, politics, sociology, we’re assigned to read all these books, none that we give a crap about to even buy and try to find a PDF of it online.

We’ve treated class as a means to get our credits and our As and move on. Universities these days are structured like that. For anyone to get something out of education relies on self-awareness and the curiosity to learn. If they don’t have those 2 traits – they’re just gonna do the minimum to get by.

How Do We Start Changing This?


Credit – owlcation.com

Sapiens – A Brief History Of Man Kind

What a book!

This book summarizes everything together, and we mean EVERYTHING!

All the way from the start of existence itself to now, the book explains very fun and engagingly the development of humankind – how we as a species grew up as hunters and foragers, and eventually evolved to develop consciousness in a point in time known as The Cognitive Revolution.

Breaking up life into The Cognitive Revolution, The Agricultural Revolution, and The Industrial revolution – this book takes you on a journey!

If you’re an adult, this will take you back and reinforce stuff you’ve already learned growing up in your history books!

Squanto, Babylon, Hernan Cortes, Christopher Columbus, Queen Elizabeth – all discussed in this book in such an eloquent fashion.

Believe me!

I’ve always hated books growing up!

But this book, I can sit down and read and once I started reading this book, I had a hard time putting it down!

I can even recall spending a Saturday night, staying in and reading the book, because I enjoyed it so damn much!

The Big Bonus About This Book Too?

It makes you think.

It makes you think about this one really important thing.

This important thing should be what we as human beings should strive each and everyday to achieve.

Without it, what is all that we’re doing really for?

Can you guess what we’re talking about?

We’re talking about….


What is life without happiness? And what exactly is happiness?

This book, even though its essentially a history book, makes you think!

Combined with important aspects of Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology and more…this book is enough to give you a well rounding understanding of the development of where this world has gone and where it’s going.

Did You Know?

Happiness is merely a function of neurotransmitters being present in your brain – such as dopamine and serotonin.

That’s what happiness literally boils down to!

It’s something I always knew – there’s always talk about how things like video games and being on our smartphones give us this dopamine release – essentially making us happy.

But the fact that this book even makes me think about existence makes me love it more than I already do!

If you’re stuck and doing nothing at home and you want a book to read?

Read Sapiens!

You won’t regret it!

We don’t wanna write too much and spoil you about the goodness the book presents!