Tonsil Stones May Be Why You Have Bad Breath

If you’ve been exhausting all your resources, and haven’t cracked the code on why you have chronic bad breath, let’s look a bit more outside the box, in our case, outside the normally considered anatomy of the mouth and look further beyond.

Where to look? 

Beyond the teeth and gums, through the tongue, until we get to the tonsils.

Tonsil stones can form and are associated with many unpleasant side effects. Chronic bad breath being one of them as the hardened masses can release an odor when left untreated. When looking into causes of bad breath, we generally look into diet, hygiene, genetic, and lifestyle factors, but we often overlook other factors relating to the human body.

What are the tonsils?

Your tonsils are two small, dimpled organs that are located on the sides of the tongue at the back of the throat. The tonsils are essentially part of the lymphatic system by creating white blood cells and antibodies and trap unwanted foreign substances like bacteria that wind up in the mouth. They are made of mucosa and have weird surfaces in which bacteria, food particles, dead cells, and even mucus from post nasal drip syndrome can become lodged. If these particles remain in these surfaces and get lodged into these crevices on the tonsils for a long time, they can decay and harden into calcified tonsil stones.

Who is prone to get tonsil stones?

Everyone can be susceptible to tonsil stones, but individuals with larger tonsils are more prone due to the deeper tonsillar crypts that are associated with larger tonsils have a higher tendency to trap particles.

As tonsil stones are more common in older adults, hopefully this prompts you to ensure that your daily hygiene is in check – brushing and flossing twice a day along with proper rinsing to ensure that no particles get lodged in there. Key emphasis on rinsing – it’s the best way to get out all of the debris that get lodged in from eating your meals. We recommend an anti-bacterial mouthwash, or if that is not readily available, rinsing out with water works as well.

What are some symptoms of tonsil stones?

Tonsil stones can cause redness and irritation, and on top of that, they cause bad breath due to the debris that they contain paired with the environment they are in, causing bacteria to fluorish. 

One thing to note from a research study done at the State University of Campinas in 2007 discovered was that tonsil stones are present in almost 75% of all tonsillitis patients with bad breath, but only 6% with normal breath. As a result, tonsil stones appear to contribute to chronic bad breath in patients with inflamed tonsils.

Should you be worried about tonsil stones?

Despite the unpleasant effects that tonsil stones are associated with, tonsil stones rarely involve serious medical consequences. For others, and this may be you, tonsil stones can be bothersome and irritating due to annoying symptoms such as a sore throat, swollen tonsils, and bad breath.

They’re not too serious in which you need to be thinking about your diet and hygiene habits on the daily, but it’s something good to keep in the back of your mind.

What you need to do if you think you have tonsil stones?

Schedule an appointment with your doctor for an examination of your tonsils. Your doctor may be able to remove any obvious tonsil stones in their office from a simple visit or even suggest at-home remedies to reduce the symptoms. If your tonsil stones are large and might not be able to be removed from a simple visit, your doctor may refer you to an ear, nose, or throat specialist for a more extensive evaluation and potentially alternate treatment.

If you’ve already exhausted your options on figuring out how to remove your tonsil stones and have already seen a doctor, but have been disappointed to find that they could not do anything for you, fear no more!

Check out Tonsil Stones Remedy Forever as it offers natural, safe, and pain free, step-by-step ways to remove tonsil stones from the comfort of your own home.

Tonsil Stones Remedy Forever offers a cheap, affordable solution to the frustrating tonsil stones that could be giving you pain, inflammation, and bad breath.

Instead of paying hundreds or thousands of dollars on doctor’s visits and examinations, you can try the program out for a low price of $37.

Compare that to the bills you get from your recent doctor’s visits or lab results that you’ve had to get recently and the choice is clear. Rising healthcare costs are too real, especially in 2020.

And if somehow, you’re not satisfied with the product, you’re entitled to a 60 day satisfaction guarantee or 100% of your money back.

The choice really can’t get easier than that!