This One Tool Will Make All Your Morning Allergies Go Away

Geniani Ultrasonic Humidifier
The Geniani Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier – A must when you have allergies in the morning

I can’t believe it till I tried it – the Geniani Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier overnight, and the results were SHOCKING. We’ve all experienced the morning sniffles, waking up to a series of sneezes, red watery eyes, the list goes on. However, the usual everyday sniffles and congestion went away after just one night! Just overnight! It was incredible. I was staying the night at my girlfriend’s place where she leaves her mist humidifier on overnight, especially when her allergies kick in or the cold weather is kicking in. Combine the shitty weather with using your central heating system, and say hello to a combination of symptoms ranging from allergies to dry skin.

As long as you don’t mind a little bit of noise – (hell, just be tired from everyday life and you’ll be able to sleep fine!), this machine makes sleeping pleasant. The Geniani ultrasonic cool mist humidifier releases mist over the course of the night. It fills your room with the fresh air that you deserve instead of breathing in nasty allergens from dust or pollen or whatever debris you have in your room. Throughout the course of your sleep during the night, you will literally feel your nostrils free up of congestion and you will appreciate the clear nasal passages your nose will be able to breathe through!

The product is auto shutoff and filter free, essentially making it easy to use. It even comes with a free 2 year warranty so all your worries about a defective product go away!

Product Packaging

P.S – Pair this up with a scented candle and a scented oil and you’re in for a treat! We recommend an essential lavender oil (get it from amazon or target)

Scented candles are always a great idea – you can even use it to spice up your dinner!

Life should always be enjoyed in a relaxed manner, no stressing over allergies!