The Ultimate Guide To Getting Rid Of Bad Breath – Halitosis

But first off, how do we know that we have bad breath? Bad breath is an embarrassing phenomenon and is essentially taboo to mention in daily life.

It’s unfortunate that bad breath is very difficult to self indicate so you need to rely how others react around you to figure out whether you have Halitosis or not.

What are some signs that you have bad breath?

  • People trying to subtly cover their mouths while they’re conversing with you
  • People keep a certain amount of distance from you
  • People make a certain “scrunched” up face, a non-verbal sign showing discomfort

Bad breath comes in all types on conditions – the dreaded morning breath that we have ALL come to experience or something more chronic that we have to go to extreme measures to hide or even take care of. It’s unfortunate that people that have bad breath likely brush and floss more than the average person, yet the symptoms always persist.

Unfortunately, it will take more than simply brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day to get rid of bad breath.

Let’s take a look at some of the causes of bad breath, also known as Halitosis:

Fundamentally, bad breath is caused by the build up of bacteria in your mouth. That bacteria in your mouth can be built up by many ways – excess food & debris stuck and lodged in the teeth and gums, dry mouth which limits the digestive properties of the mouth to get rid of those particles of food, or if you’ve been lazy and follow a poor oral hygiene routine. Specific foods can cause bad breath such as onions, fish, or garlic. Bad breath can even be caused by something lesser known such as side effects from medication as they dry your mouth out.

Here are some foods & drinks to watch out for when you’re worried about your bad breath:

  • Onions & Garlic – These foods essentially contain sulfuric compounds, and as we all know, sulfur is widely known to cause bad breath
  • Sweets & Acidic Foods – Although very delicious, sweets and even acidic foods will create an environment in your mouth where bad breath causing bacteria will flourish
  • Fish – Fishy breath is also a widely known phenomenon. Trimethylamine is the compound responsible for that nasty fish breath that we all know about
  • Alcohol & Coffee – These will cause again, cause your mouth to dry out, effectively allowing bad breath causing bacteria to grow in the mouth

What You’re Going Through If You Have Bad Breath:

In summary, you’re probably going through the following if you have bad breath:

  • Dry Mouth
  • Decreased Saliva Production
  • Bleeding Gums When Flossing
  • Inflammation
  • Gum Recession
  • Tooth Decay
  • Tartar
  • Plaque
  • Sore Throat
  • Asthma
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Diabetes
  • Post Nasal Drip
  • Allergies

All of the aforementioned symptoms CAN be associated with bad breath.

Now that we’ve identified a few causes of bad breath and the associated symptoms, how do we treat it?

What You Must Do In Order To Get Rid Of Your Bad Breath

At a minimum you need to brush and floss, twice a day. If time allows, even attempt to do so after every meal. This will prevent tartar and plaque build up. We’re not talking about a simple 30 seconds of brushing your teeth and rinsing with water, we’re talking about really getting in between the teeth and gums. What also helps is a fluoride based mouthwash such as Listerine, as it really helps breaking down the tartar and plaque that builds up over time.

Make sure you also stay hydrated! Many of the occurrences of bad breath are associated with dry mouth, like we’ve mentioned. Avoid this by making sure you are hydrated. Think of drinking water as if your body is taking a shower inside. This will allow for improved saliva production which improves the mouth’s digestive properties to rid of food particles that get left behind from your meals.

The Ultimate Solution To Bad Breath?

What BadBreathFreeForever provides are proven, 100% natural remedies to bad breath. These solutions target the problems of bad breath at the source, and not simply putting a bandaid on it like what mouth spray or a piece of chewing gum would do.

To keep you assured, BadBreathFreeForever offers a 60 day satisfaction guarantee or your money back!

If your symptoms aren’t treated or you’re unsatisfied with the product within 60 days, you’re entitled to a 100% money back guarantee, there’s nothing to lose!

What to do?

The way we see it, you have three choices…

Option 1 – Continue on as you wish, forever being ashamed and embarrassed of your bad breath and constantly having to deal with people turning their face away from you or covering their mouths as you speak. Keep in mind that bad breath can be an indicator for something underlying such as gum disease or even digestive issues through your diet.

Option 2 – You can continue trying little “simple” tricks such as mints, mouthwashes, sprays or gums to mask the symptoms of your bad breath but will never address the root cause.

Or you can take….

OPTION #3: Or you can take the smart, inexpensive and 100% NATURAL Option.

And invest in BadBreathFreeForever – The Ultimate Solution To Your Bad Breath!