The Ultimate Fast Food Meal Of The Century….

The award for the most ultimate fast food meal of the century goes to…Chipotle! Its so unbelievably convenient to get, tastes great, doesn’t make you feel like shit unlike how most fast foods do, and you can stay lean while you eat it.

With the whopping amount of protein, essential carbs through brown rice, nutrients from fajita veggies, this quick easy bowl will get you to be able to function.

Instead of the hamburger or pasta, opt for the chicken bowl at Chipotle! You can stay on track for your fitness goals and feel like you haven’t cheated all while on the go.

This just had to be re-iterated as I am eating this as of now, after just getting back from a work trip. Unfortunately, its too hard to eat healthy during work trips. With customers and colleagues picking what they want to eat during those trips, its too hard to stay on track with your health goals.

Chipotle comes in clutch. Suggest it. Get on that chicken bowl for your protein needs. If you need some other on-the go healthy meals, check this article out! We guarantee all taste great and will keep that lean physique going!

There is no excuse to form a gut or a double chin like most corporate junkies do when they neglect their health eating all the shitty junk food their heart desires.

P.S – Theres even been an article on Yahoo that shows how eating chipotle for 153 days straight can keep you lean!