The Anabolic Diet Keeps Me Lean All Year, Even DURING Quarantine!

That’s right, no Quarantine Fifteen for me! I attribute it all to the general framework the Anabolic Diet provides. The Anabolic Diet is essentially a diet of foods that compose highly of protein, with a lower ratio of carbs and fat, that allow for optimal muscle synthesis after your workouts.

Even with this pandemic, it’s still 100% possible to stay lean if you find whatever means you can to get a workout and eat the right foods. We get it, this pandemic has been rough on all of us – not seeing our friends, seeing our favorite places shut down, the economy in shambles, having to wear a mask out in public – it all sucks. But one thing for sure is we have to adapt and make the best of these times.

If you work a white collar office job, chances are that you have got sent home! This is huge! This means no one is watching your back at all hours of the day in the office. No one would judge you for doing weird things like doing push ups or lifting dumbbells while you’re in a call. You can even take a phone, call in to your meeting, then go for a walk around the house or even a park, getting your steps in!

It’s also really easy to set some time aside and make healthy choices regarding your diet too! You don’t need to rush to Starbucks every morning to get that coffee, you can just brew it right at home! Combine that with some nice Anabolic French Toast and you have yourself a recipe for becoming ultimately lean!

Let’s say you don’t get to work from home – you can also capitalize on the situation as well. Chances are, there’s less micromanaging, less traffic, overall adding time to your daily life. It’s up to you to take advantage of this time!

I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to work from home, and adopting a few lifestyle choices like cooking my breakfast, lunch, and dinner and keeping the Anabolic Framework intact really has kept me lean all year long. It’s really simple! Eat low calorie, dense foods that are high in protein and minimal carb and fat intake. Minimal to an extent, as we need those macronutrients to survive and have our bodies function properly, but you get the point. This will take some playing and figuring out. You will have multiple trips to the grocery store, till you perfect this task and get all the necessary foods you need. You might even have sessions where you binge because you feel so deprived and malnourished. It’s all part of the journey. Just make sure you follow the framework of the anabolic diet, and trust me, you’re going to be lean.

This situation really sucks for all of us, but we have to make the best of it! At least they’re finally getting the vaccine out, that’s something optimistic! Assuming they roll it out, we might even start phasing back to normal by summer or fall of 2021! Exciting!