Stuck At Home, What To Do? Go Skate!

Take this lockdown from COVID-19 to try something new. Or, get back into something. If you used to skate when you were younger, and want to get back into it, now’s the time! Skating is a fun way to get some sun, burn some calories, and hang out with your friends! Just don’t forget the social distancing part. I’ve been hearing about people getting ticketed due to not social distancing in Los Angeles. The cops are hungry for their quota. You don’t want to throw away a few bucks just because you wanted to be next to your friends or feel like the “CoronaVirus is no big deal” or think “its just the flu”

You can buy a skateboard easily online or in retailer stores. We don’t recommend a cheap, $20 one from Target, we recommend a basic set up – a blank deck, some durable trucks like independent or thunder, and some name brand wheels (think Bones or SpitFire) and some reds bearings. A simple google search for each item and you’ll be able to find everything online.

Once you have that all set, you’ll need some basic hardware tools. A “Tee-tool” will work best, and if you don’t wanna dish out the extra bucks to buy one, you can simply just look around for a screw driver & wrench (one that holds a 1/4 or 3/8 nut, can’t recall the size off the top of our heads). It’ll be easy to put one together. There are plenty YouTube tutorials out there.

Once you got everything ready, just go out and go skate. Take that piece of wood on wheels, stand on it, take a little bit to figure it out! Maybe look around for an old dusty helmet in your garage for some safe keeping. Call up some childhood friends, your neighbors, maybe your cousins down the street who like to skate and get some fresh air.

We love to advocate all of these “feel good” hobbies (Jiu Jitsu, surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding). They all have something in common – and no, its not the fact that they’re mostly board related sports, but those sports all put you in a state of “zen”. Try any and immediately, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Surfing, for example, you need to be in it 100% both mind and body to be able to catch and ride the wave. Riding a wave is a feeling like no other. Combine that with waking up early and seeing the sun rise while you’re sitting on the lineup in the horizon and you have yourself a perfect morning which’ll get you through many tough times in your life.

Attention: At this point, skate parks in Los Angeles are closed. This is not a problem! Skate around your neighborhood. Skate to the grocery store. Skate around schools! (Don’t go in and skate, you might get in trouble!) Skate to pick something up real quick for your parents!

The bottom line here is – skating is going to make you feel good. Staying inside all day and avoiding sunlight has more negative health consequences than you think. A lack of Vitamin D for starters. Vitamin D deficiency is too real. Look up “Seattle Freeze” and you’ll find a correlation between Vitamin D deficiency and overall well-being. You’ll notice it’s like an emotional zombie land out there.