Struggling With Some Health Issues? We’re Sorry To Even Say This, But Check Your Breath

The woman in silk nightgown and purple robe checking her breath with hand on a gray background, Halitosis concept of a woman with bad breath, Bad breath

We’re sorry if you’re going through any serious illnesses or health concerns, but its no excuse to have bad breath while you’re going through such a tough time. Respiratory illnesses like respiratory infections or systemic organ illnesses are known to cause bad breath. Try to recall a time when you’ve been talking to someone ill. Their breath probably stunk. Don’t be that person. It might sound harsh, especially when you’re going through something tough, but bad breath can worsen your illness due to the societal aspect of it. You don’t want to scare others off. Next time you’re sick and you start coughing, try to make a mental note of how your breath is doing if possible. It is difficult to crack down on it, but maybe the reactions of others will gauge how things are.

More specifically, health conditions that have to do with the nasal passages such as pneumonia or chronic sinus infections like sinusitis can cause bad breath. This is due to post nasal drip – which occurs when excessive mucus is accumulated in the throat or nose. The buildup of mucus causes a buildup of bacteria. In severe cases like pneumonia, the lungs fill up with liquid, from a process known as consolidation, which leads to exhaling an unpleasant odor from the breath or cough.

Make sure to blow out as much buildup of mucus as you can – certain types of bacteria that are known to cause bad breath love mucus.

As we move further down the organs of the human body, bad breath could be caused by liver or kidney issues. Liver failure in its later stages leads to a very unique type of bad breath, known as “fetor hepaticus”, composed of dimethyl sulfide which is where the foul scent comes from. Additionally, kidney failure is associated with a fishy or ammonia like scent. This type of bad breath can be known as “uremic fetor”, a smell which is caused due to an elevated level of urea concentrated with saliva, that is broken down into ammonia. 

Take care of any potential bad breath by taking care of yourself first.

Often times, these illnesses that are associated with bad breath come with other symptoms like congestion, chest pain, headache, and fevers. The immediate cure to the bad breath associated with any type of illness will be to treat the illness itself. This can include antibiotics, or further extreme measures like surgical procedures for anything like kidney or liver failure. It is imperative to not neglect proper oral hygiene care. A two time a day routine of brushing and flossing in the morning and night, respectively when you wake up and right before you go to bed will halt any progression caused by a medically induced bad breath on you. 

Bad breath free forever is a program that is full of natural remedies for multiple causes of bad breath. Find out what is causing your bad breath and start addressing the issue today. If you’ve been struggling with bad breath and you don’t know why, it will help you find out why. Maybe its because of your diet, maybe because of you being sick. Take action today. Your breath is something you might not be thinking about, especially when you are sick, but it has a more profound effect on you and on others than you think.