Robek’s Smoothies – Wellness Tip!

If you want an easy and healthy way to ingest all of your veggies and fruits in one sitting to get your vitamin and micronutrient dose – look no more.

Try making smoothies or going to the smoothie store an every day habit. (Yes, it can get expensive, but you should not skip out on your health).

The best way to start your day is to wake up early, get a good morning workout in. This can be anything from going to the gym and lifting weights, going to the beach to go surf, putting your running shoes on and going for a jog, the list is endless. Point is, you want something that will raise your heartbeat levels and make you break a sweat.

After that comes the best part – post workout smoothies! If you’re on the go, and on the need for something quick, try making a stop at your local smoothie store. (Jamba Juice, Robeks, etc… all work)

I’m currently writing this right now after an early morning surf session and have downed a queen of all greens smoothies from Robeks. This smoothie comes with fresh kale, fresh spinach, pineapple, banana, and apple juice.

Robek’s – Queen Of All Greens Smoothie!

If smoothies require you to break the piggy bank, try making them on your own!. Dr. Rhonda Patrick, a science expert on nutritional health also advocates daily smoothie use. Check her out on the Joe Rogan Experience.

The explanation of the benefit of kale smoothies goes down to the molecular level of kale, really breaking down what’s in it and what the smoothies do to activate specific enzyme reactions in your body for optimal health!

If you do end up going the build your own smoothie route, all you need are some veggies like kale, spinach, some chopped up apple and pineapple and you essentially get the same thing!

Just take an easy trip to the grocery store! We love Trader Joe’s

P.S. – If you’re gonna go the build your own smoothie route – we recommend the Ninja Professional Countertop Blender. Dish washer safe, packed with performance power to chop up those veggies, and easy to clean!