One OBVIOUS Way Of Getting Rid Of Bad Breath And Being Healthy. How? Eating Healthy!

Most are not aware that what we eat and drink has a more profound effect on us than we know. Diet is everything in terms of health. If you look into it, many of the older people you see with their health problems get their health problems as a function of what they ate and living sedentary lifestyles. Think back to a recent time where you had to go to a healthcare facility for some service like a dentist appointment or a physical check up – you’ve likely walked past people on walkers, IVs, wheelchairs, and needing some type of life aiding tool. You don’t want to be like that! Bonus – try imagining how they smell….not pleasant right?

The end goal is to be able to live – don’t be like this

We’ve stated before that drinking alcohol can cause bad breath and lead to symptoms like dry mouth (Xerostomia) and another obvious fact is that eating foods like garlic, onions, and fish.

Sugary foods are also prone to give you bad breath as they make you prone to tooth decay due to your body’s natural reaction of breaking sugar down through saliva.

Acidic foods are also known to cause bad breath as they can cause tooth erosion and causes unpleasant odor as a byproduct.

Processed foods in general are bad both for you and your breath as well – they mess with your liver’s detoxification and allows free radicals such as smelly byproducts to enter your bloodstream which can potentially exhaled through your lungs.

What to eat?

We recommend adding Whole Foods and vegetables such as baby carrots, celery, or apple slices, to aid in eliminating bad breath. What these foods have in common is that they are very water based – great for cleansing out your mouth and reducing the amount of debris that are stuck from your other meals.

What not to eat?

Cut the sugar! You’ve probably read about this elsewhere, but you’re gonna be reading it again. Over and over. Cut out the sugar. Along with sugar making you prone to gut biome inflammation causing all sorts of problems later down the road in your life (Check out Dr. Rhonda Patrick), sugar is prone to leave residue in your mouth, which your mouth will then over compensate through your salivary glands.

Limit the amount of acidic drinks – these can include fruit juices like cranberry, lemon, or orange juice or soda like Coca Cola. Although they can be refreshing on a hot day, they will give you tooth erosion. If you do happen to drink these frequently, be sure to not swish these liquids around your mouth, as the acids present in the drink will work its way into dissolving your teeth.

We hope you make sure to maintain a balanced and healthy diet composing mostly of whole foods, lean meats, veggies, and good carbohydrates as this will lead to an overall happier life outlook.

If you thought our tips on staying healthy to eliminate bad breath were helpful, check out Bad Breath Free Forever an online step by step program that targets bad breath at the source, not just through little “tricks” that will only mask the symptoms.

The program provides a 100% natural remedy to target bad breath. Start taking charge of what you have to deal with. Don’t be scared to socialize or worry if you “smell”

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