5 Ways To Improve Your Oral Health

Diseases causing bad breath, such as Halitosis, can easily be prevented by adopting certain lifestyle habits. Not only applicable to bad breath, but also applicable to much of everyday life. Many of your results are a function of your lifestyle – where you are in your job is a function of what YOU have done in your career – go to school, stand out at work, performing top notch. Your health is the same. People that are generally fit have implemented the type of lifestyles they need to have the bodies they worked so hard for. When it comes to your health, it is no different. If your oral hygiene lifestyle consists of a poor routine, there’s no doubt that you’ll have chronic bad breath or Halitosis. After all, no one wants stinky breath due to disease like halitosis

Here are 5 lifestyle tips that you can start implementing now to improve your overall oral health.

1. Oral Hygiene

Things like brushing and flossing at least twice a day, rinsing out with mouthwash, all contribute to a healthy mouth environment.

If you don’t take care of your teeth well, you’ll get things like food and debris all caught up in your teeth. Bacteria love this and will grow and accumulate in your mouth, causing your breath to smell.

You need to especially be mindful of it all if you have mouth pieces like braces or night guards for your teeth.

Sometimes, braces look cute on a girl, yeah? Bad breath’ll be the fastest way to scare anyone off!

2. Diet

Our ideal diet framework is simple – avoid sugars and processed foods, and with every meal, try to eat lean protein, veggies, and carbohydrates.

What you eat also has a profound effect on how your overall breath will smell like. Make sure you watch out for foods with sulfuric compounds like garlic or onions as they are known to give you bad breath. Foods such as horseradish or fish can are also known to cause a pungent smell in your mouth. Be careful in what you eat, especially depending on the type of social setting you’re going to end up in. Stay away from the onions, garlic, and fish on first dates!

3. Exercise

Along with a healthy diet, exercise is also a factor that contributes to a healthy mouth environment. Along with the positive effects of one’s well being, with the proper nutrition, your body will go through the proper steps it takes to ensure that you have a strong immune system.

Exercising daily is also shown to reduce the risks of certain diseases that are linked to bad breath such as diabetes. Exercise is great for blood circulation and overall general wellness and health. Exercise also make you look better which has more profound effects on self-esteem than any other factors.

Don’t go to a gym? No Problem, look around online for any deals, gyms love to offer sign up incentives to get you on the fast track to a healthy life. If finances are tight, adding a simple 10 minute walk or run everyday will compound greatly over time.

Please make sure you schedule a run in on the mornings or even a walk after work on the evenings. A little bit goes a long way. You’ll thank us!

4. Social Factors

If you drink alcohol or smoke:

Be mindful of those times where you go out drinking and get home past 2 am, and you find yourself too tired or too lazy to brush your teeth.

It’s happened to all of us before – a night out with our friends and living in the moment – who’s going to think about the health of their teeth, right?

This type of mindset is terrible for your teeth.

If you wake up the next morning, especially after a night out of drinking and not having brushed your teeth, you’ll notice big chunks of tar-tar between the ridges of your teeth. (You’ll also notice that the mouth environment has been altered due to the alcohol/smoking and you’ll notice how bad your breath’ll stink!)

The tar-tar can then form into plaque on your teeth, and can cause all sorts of nasty gum disease like halitosis or even gum recession.

If this ever happens, be sure to brush and floss immediately upon waking up.

5. Sleep

Sleep is also key in overall health – which could even pertain all the way to your breath! Make sure you’re getting the right amount of sleep. We don’t know how many hours of sleep you need to function optimally, only you can figure that out.

When something’s wrong with your health, along with diet and exercise, you want to ask yourself, “Am I getting enough sleep?” or “Am I sleeping okay?” Sleep contributes to your overall health more than you think. Sometimes, lack of sleep will creep up on you! The day after you pull off a night with poor sleep you might feel fine, down a few cups of coffee to push through the day, but the next day after that, you feel like you get hit by a truck! It’s inescapable. Think of sleep as a life tax you have to pay to ensure that you are well rested. There is no avoiding it!

If you’re sleeping with a partner, you also want to make sure that your breath smells fine, as you don’t want your Halitosis to affect the quality of you or your partner’s sleep!

Make sure you brush and floss before and after bed, each day!

Don’t disgust yourself or the person next to you any longer.

The more time you let the tar-tar and plaque settle, the harder it will be to clean your mouth to ensure you will be free of bad breath.

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For a step by step program that combats bad breath right at the source…

Check out bad breath free forever!

What we love about the program is that it does not merely put a “bandaid on the problem” but addresses the root cause of the problem so that even after taking care of it, you won’t need to worry about it happening again provided you follow the steps of the program.