If Your Gums Look Like This, You Need To Read This

During your bi-yearly dentist check up (you should be going twice a year, insurance covers it!), you might notice that your dentist goes and scrapes the plaque and tar tar off your teeth.

When your dentist is doing so, you might notice some pain and discomfort, and maybe even some bleeding.

This is a warning. I repeat, this is a warning.

If you’re young and experiencing this, you need to start changing your brushing and flossing habits.

Bleeding gums from flossing after dentist appointment

The bleeding is essentially from inflammation of the gums due to the amount of bacteria that has been piling up, causing early gingivitis. If this is to go on, this could possibly cause all sorts of problems down the line – tooth decay, root canals, gum recession, cavities, so on and so forth.

Bottom line is, if you’re bleeding when you floss, take it as a warning sign and start fixing up your brushing habits.

Here are some tools you can start using to fix your brushing habits to get rid of that bleeding in your gums:

Philips Sonicare Toothbrush

Phillips Sonicare

A recommendation by dentists (the ones that know what they’re doing). The Sonicare brush does what the average toothbrush cannot. It gets all those little chunks out of your teeth when you brush. You will notice it upon your first time compared to a regular tooth brush. When you spit, you’ll see so many more debris from your teeth that a normal brush wouldn’t have been able to pick up.

Listerine Mouthwash

Listerine Mouthwash – Rinse with this each time you brush!

Rinsing out with a mouthwash that kills bacteria that causes gum disease and plaque is essential. Like the sonicare brush, rinsing out with mouthwash makes a huge difference on gum health and overall breath. Start your mornings with a thorough brush, and topping it off with a fresh rinse off with a Listerine mouthwash.


There are a bunch of ways to go about this – you can floss with your standard dental floss (we recommend Crest oral-B, don’t bother with the cheap generic brands, those are not worth it and you’ll end up doing more damage than harm to your gums) or you could go with a water flosser.

Waterpik Water Flosser – A fun alternative to flossing!

A water flosser sounds amazing and fun but in reality, it can be quite tedious to do. That being said, its another way to get all those built up chunks out of your teeth. However, it’s an easy and fun way to flossing besides the normal “grabbing the ends and moving the floss back and forth”

We recommend the Waterpik Water Flosser for specifics, can be bought online at amazon or target.

Take a look at a bunch of older people and take note of their teeth & gums. What do you likely see? They’re pretty fucked up. I know its harsh, but its true. We were never really taught how to properly brush our teeth in school. It was through our parents. Nows the time to start taking care of your teeth.

2 thoughts on “If Your Gums Look Like This, You Need To Read This”

  1. I’m from the dentist this morning so I’m at home now And I’m bleeding what can I use to stop the bleeding because what I got from the Doctor I don’t have it at home

    • You need to get started on flossing and brushing twice a day asap. Bleeding is a sign of gingivitis which can lead to gum recession. Start taking care of it.

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