If You Don’t Train Martial Arts, Here’s Why You NEED To Start

Learning martial arts has so many benefits to one’s general wellbeing and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Martial arts teaches you how to fight. It gives you confidence. It gives you the courage shall you ever get yourself backed into a corner.

What kind of a man doesn’t know how to fight?

Even if you’re a woman, it would be good to know how to defend yourself shall the opportunity come up if some shady guy were to approach you on the streets and you’re all alone.

What martial arts has done is it has given me something to work for. Something to constantly better myself and focus in. Something to look forward and live to. It has even given me social companionship.

Through martial arts, I’ve seen it change the lives of many by opening new doors.

New doors to friendship, and to other means of a fun lifestyle.

Martial arts gives you a high.

It lets you unleash a primal instinct in you that you NEED to let OUT.

It makes you feel good during the session and even a few days after.

If the above doesn’t convince you, here are some actual, tangible benefits that it has given.

1.Weight Loss

I’ve seen countless people lose anywhere from 10~80 pounds over the course of a year, depending on their body type.

Martial arts burns a ton of calories.

It’s hugely an anaerobic workout.

It more closely resembles high intensity training when compared to your typical cardio workouts.

After a heavy session, you’ll be drenched.

You’ll feel amazing.

You’ll notice you’ll look better instantly as you’ll have shed some water weight.

Doing martial arts also promotes a better diet.

You won’t want to eat all of that sugary and greasy stuff as much as it’ll affect your performance.

You’ll want to give your body the proper fuel it needs to function and perform at your best.

2. Flexibility

Martial arts encourages success through flexibility.

Flexibility allows for easier transitions through different positions that you’ll encounter.

It’ll even help with injury prevention. Being flexible means your muscles will have decreased resistance to certain movements.

With all of the movements that you’ll encounter, good hip mobility and lower back flexibility is key.

Not only in martial arts, but flexibility is important in everyday life as well.

You don’t want to be that stiff old man walking down the hall taking 5 minutes to walk across the room.

Pairing up yoga along with martial arts will change your life.

Martial arts definitely encourage doing yoga, whether it is kickboxing or jiu jitsu.

You’ll always here guys talking about how “they need to do some yoga” or “how stiff they are”.

Its pretty easy to spot the inflexible ones, whether at the gym or at work.

The ones complaining that they’re “getting old” when they’re approaching mid twenties. (I really hope that’s not you…)

The ones making uncomfortable faces during warm ups.

Don’t be that person.

3. Social Companionship

There’s something that only people that train a certain martial arts will understand.

From what I’ve seen, those people are a little different than you standard everyday Joe.

Each individual has something to make them “tick”. They come from some awesome background.

With the amount of time you’ll spend with your partners, there’s no doubt you’ll grow some bonds.

You guys will want to go out to get some food afterwards, talk about what you can do to improve yourselves, even hang out outside of all the training.

Some will even hit you up to do other activities promoting a more healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

Say bye to depression!