I Can’t Believe What The Carlson Liquid Fish Oil Did For My Body

Now I know why so many fitness groups and individuals all advocate fish oil – it works!

Ever since I’ve started taking fish oil in my diet, I found that my joints literally feel lubricated. 

We’ve all experienced the cracking and snapping of our joints – snap city, while working out or even doing everyday tasks.

If you’re like 95% of the adult society, chances are, you work a desk job. This is horrible for your posture and overall healthWorking a desk job promotes constant slouching and un-natural positions that your body is not meant to go through. Our bodies aren’t even meant to stay in one place for so long either! (Try to think about a day you spent doing nothing, and a day where you were running around doing errands, hanging out with friends, out and about, which day felt better to you? Doing nothing promotes being sedentary)

What the kicker is from fish oil are the essential omega 3 fatty acids. In a nutshell, they contain anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing properties for your body and an additional source of healthy fats your body needs. 

With fish oil, its imperative to take the liquid, not the gel capsules. The absorption to your system through the liquid is far better than what you’d get through capsules. What the liquids allow is for your body to break it down much quicker, than having your body go through breaking down the capsules then the liquid inside. Its definitely imperative to consume fish oil after a meal as well (similar to medicine)

Here are some of the specific fish oil products and sources that we recommend:

1.Carlson The Very Finest Fish Oil, Norwegian

This is our go to fish oil. We pop it open from the package, store it in the fridge, take sips of it upon ingesting a meal. Quick and easy, with potent benefits. The product claims to promote cardio function, cognitive health (important for those working challenging careers), and joint support (we all need what we can to aid us in everyday life).

2. NatureMade Fish Oil

We’ve also tried NatureMade Fish Oil. Although not as potent as Carlson brand fish oil, this did the trick and it was convenient to carry around (not needing a fridge to keep the capsules cool) We also recommend supplementing with calcium & magnesium for optimal bone and digestive health along with repairing of the muscles and improved sleep quality that we’ve heard from weight lifters.

3. Kirkland Wild Sockeye Salmon

Wild salmon is a godsend. It is rich in protein and the essential omega 3 fatty acids that we desire from fish oil. In an ideal case, we would eat fish everyday and that would substitute the requirement of the 2 products listed above. However, this isn’t the case. It’s unlikely that fish oil will always be available for us. When eating out or doing own cooking, we recommend using wild salmon as your protein filler. You can purchase wild salmon for cheap if you go to a place like CostCo or Trader Joe’s.

Omega 3s and protein are what many fitness gurus advocate out there for a damn good reason – they’ll give you gains and aid in your recovery. 

Let us know what you think!