Halitosis Could Be Why You Have Bad Breath – Stop Scaring Everyone Away!

Halitosis, never heard of it?

It could be one of the reasons why you have bad breath and never seem to figure out why.

Are you self conscious of the fact that your breath might smell in front of the people you’re talking to?

You might even feel like you always need to be chewing gum, constantly flossing and brushing after meals to keep your breath in check.

If you’ve ever woken up with that awful taste in your mouth, paired with that dry smelliness of disgust when you open your mouth to breathe, Halitosis could be it!

Halitosis is essentially a coating on the back of your tongue that is caused by the formation of bacteria.

Tongue bacteria are known to smell very distinctly due to the sulfuric enzymes that are produced within your body, which cause that disgusting smell.

Before we get to some of the causes, here’s an experiment for you to check out an indicator of your bad breath:

Next time you brush your teeth, try brushing your tongue at the end. You’ll notice some grayish, white coating will get picked up by your brush.

If this grosses you out and you normally don’t scrape off your tongue, you should re-evaluate your oral hygiene habits as that grayish, white stuff will just simmer and fester over your tongue for awhile effectively causing chronic bad breath.

The coating on the back of the tongue contains many forms of bacteria, which can look and smell unpleasant.

This area is especially susceptible to bacteria growing and multiply as this is a relatively dry area. The lack of saliva production in that area combined with food particles that stay make it a breeding ground for bacteria.

Let’s Look At 6 Reasons Why You Could Have Halitosis

1. Foods

Foods like garlic, onions, cheese, and fish are widely known for causing bad breath. Think twice about where you are when you eat these foods.

Halitosis is caused by build up of bacteria inside the mouth. Bacteria accumulates over time through the leftover food and debris in your mouth from your meals. If you don’t floss or brush after every meal, which you should be doing, you’re sure to get build up over time. The human mouth is the type of environment where bacteria love to flourish.

Specifically when we look at foods that are known to cause bad breath, such as garlic and onions, these foods cause bad breath because of the sulfuric compounds that are present.

2. Post Nasal Drip Syndrome

Halitosis can also be caused from post nasal drip, when mucus from your nose drips down all the way to your tongue, especially while you’re asleep.

This causes a breeding ground for bacteria to accumulate. Over the span of the 6~8 hours you sleep, this will cause a nightmare!

If you experience bad breath on a seasonal basis (i.e winter, summer, spring), post nasal drip could be the reason why.

3. Medicines

Many people undergoing sicknesses or poor health are unaware that their medicine can cause bad breath.

What medicine can do to trigger bad breath, is that they can contribute to Xerostomia – dry mouth. Again, dry mouth creates an environment in which bad breath causing bacteria can grow and multiply. Some medications, when broken down, can even release chemical compounds such as Sulfur, which produce another unpleasant odor.

Important: For those of you with chronic breath,

If you’re sick or treating some ongoing medical condition with medicine, and you take medicine daily, they can contribute to the chronic bad breath you’ve been experiencing.

Really let that one sink in, especially for those of you who have been exhausting all of your resources to find the source of your bad breath, but cannot figure out why.

If you think about it, if you take something that is known to give you bad breath for weeks, or even months at a time depending on your health condition….you know what it will do.

4. Diet

We took a look at “food” as a reason for Halitosis earlier, but that doesn’t include diet as an overall framework. It’s 2019 now. There’ve been many alternatives to the classic low carb diet. There’s Paleo, Keto, and even diet principles like LeanGains or Kinobody. We actually are on board with all of these diets as with the proper nutritive selection combined with hard work, you will be able to achieve the proper physical results.

Although dieting may be great for your physique, it can cause negative effects to your overall oral health. Dieting can cause your breath to become sickly or sweet, with the odor being the result of Ketones that your body produce as a function of attempting to produce energy, with the lack of glycogen and carbohydrates from a low carb diet.

If you’re unsure of what the sickly breath we are talking about smells like, here’s another fun experiment for you:

Go a day with eating lower carbohydrates – skip the bread, rice, pasta in meals and opt for something with high protein content like a salad or an omelette. You’ll notice over the course of the day, your energy levels will be over, and you might even find your stomach a little gassy and you’ll start to literally smell the Ketones that are being produced in your body.

5. Your Social Life

At the end of a hard working day, nothing beats the feeling of sipping some fine alcohol and smoking a cigar. However, doing so will cause consequences. Vices such as alcohol or smoking cigarettes can contribute to bad breath due to the chemical compounds they contain. Imagine this, you go out to some social setting – whether it be a nice wine and dine out at a restaurant or a group hangout with the boys or girls at the bar/club, with everyone drinking different drinks, you’ll notice the different ways in their breaths will start to smell. It’s also known that kissing a smoker is like kissing an ashtray.

But did you also know that bad breath associated to alcohol and smoking goes one step further?

What drinking and smoking can do for you to give you bad breath is that they can dry out your mouth as well.

6. Diabetes

A scary one.

If again, you’ve exhausted some more options, maybe you might be diabetic. Diabetes is essentially an endocrine disorder that messes the body’s ability to use sugar effectively. With the body not being able to properly undergo its processes relating blood sugar, the body will produce Ketones for energy, and as mentioned earlier, are shown to give you bad breath.

We hope you’re not Diabetic or even Pre-Diabetic for that matter. Go see your doctor right away if you think that this could be an option.

Otherwise, if you’ve exhausted these options and still can’t figure out why you have bad breath?

Try checking out bad breath free forever, an online, step by step approach to rid your bad breath by not just treating the symptoms, but identifying what is causing them, and addressing the issue from there.

Also, if you haven’t, get in the habit of brushing and flossing daily, twice a day. If you already don’t do this, this might be you.

P.S Check out this link for a special $10 off for bad breath free forever!

2 thoughts on “Halitosis Could Be Why You Have Bad Breath – Stop Scaring Everyone Away!”

  1. Am diabetic and I have problem with bad breath not my blood sugar level is normal is the any help I could get

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