Fulfill Your Japanese Food Craving With Anabolic Chicken Curry!

Curry rice is such a staple in Asian households – especially in Japanese, Thai, and Indian cuisines. Go to any one of those culture’s restaurants and you’ll find curry! From Japanese curry, to Chicken Tikka Masala, to Thai Panang Curry, all such delicious and wonderful foods! It’s a great food to look forward to, especially on a cold winter day. It really warms the soul! Only those of you food lovers can understand!

How Can This Curry Be Anabolic Curry?

Simple! Using the Anabolic Diet framework, how you can make Anabolic Curry is to go with the leaner meats! A.k.a chicken breast! Don’t worry! Chicken breast with curry tastes delicious – it doesn’t even taste like a diet meal! What’s also great about this dish is that you can pair it with a ton of vegetables! Potatoes, carrots, onions are the basic veggies Japanese Curry includes, but if you want to spice things up, you can add eggplant, beans, bell peppers – just about anything! Get all those veggies in! Your gut health will thank you!

Chicken breast is loaded with protein, so you will 100% hit your macro and calorie goals just by including a bunch of it in your diet! You can make it easy to eat by pairing it with something as tasty and delicious as Japanese Curry Rice!

Great alternatives are Chicken Tikka Masala and Thai Panang Curry, recipes to be coming soon!

Cook Time:

Time To Prep: 30 mins

Time To Cook: 1 Hour

Total Cook Time: 1 Hour and 30 minutes


  • 2 lbs Chicken Breast
  • Golden Curry Packet (220 g)
    • Ingredients: Wheat flour, Vegetable oils (Palm oil, Rapeseed oil), Salt, Sugar, Curry powder, Monosodium glutamate, Caramel color, Malic acid, Pepper, Chili pepper, Garlic, Disodium guanylate, Disodium inosinate, Celery seed, Mustard
  • Handful of baby carrots
  • 4 Potatoes
  • 1 Onion
  • White Rice
  • Avocado Oil


  • Dutch Oven – used to cook the veggies and the curry
  • Pan – will need to pre-cook the chicken breast upon boiling with water
  • Wooden spoon

Optional Ingredients:

  • Ginger
  • Green Onions

Nutrition Facts (Per Serving) :

  • Calories (kcal): 1070
  • Protein (g): 117.34
  • Carbohydrates (g): 125.2
  • Fat (g): 10.42

Note: For a serving, I used approximately 10 baby carrots, 1 potato, 1 lb chicken breast, 1 stick of curry flavoring, 1 bowl of rice – the ingredients in the meal presented above should yield you 6 meals or so.

The dish is jam packed with carbs and protein – perfect for a post workout meal on your high protein / high carbohydrate feeding meal, all while feeling great about what you’re eating!


  1. Chop up chicken breast, onions, baby carrots, and potatoes to your liking.

2. Heat up a cap full of avocado oil in a pan or dutch oven. Don’t let the oil get too hot. Start swirling the oil around the pot as the oil becomes less viscous when the temperature increases.

3. Put those veggies in and start stirring!

4. Once the onions start browning, and you see the texture of the veggies start to change, add 5 cups of water in the bowl. Let simmer.

5. On a separate pan, heat up a pan, add some avocado oil, and start cooking the chicken breast. Note – no need to season it, the curry flavoring will season it plenty once you put it all in the pot

6. Stir chicken around until the chicken is almost white all over. Don’t worry about not thoroughly cooking the chicken at this point because you’re going to put it in the Dutch oven next, effectively cooking the chicken as you simmer it in water.

7. Do as I exactly said in the previous step, and dump the almost cooked chicken into the Dutch oven! You’re almost there!

8. Once the potatoes have softened enough to your liking, add the curry paste in.

(Personally, I like to touch the potatoes with a wooden spoon, and if I see an indent in one, then I know I’m good – you’ll know what I mean when you do this)

Note that the curry looks watery – don’t worry about this, keep the curry simmering until you get to your desired curry consistency! Might be about 3~5 minutes till completion!

9. Keep mixing the curry until you achieve your desired consistency. I like my curry nice and thick, and not as watery, so I’m patient about it and wait a few more minutes to let the curry thicken.

Now you’re done! Scoop up some rice, and serve yourself!

Use the nutrition facts for the curry I posted above as reference!

Enjoy your curry!

P.S – Want more inspiration? Check out Anabolic Cooking for delicious recipes that’ll get you shredded all while enjoying all of your meals!