
Highly popular in 2020 in light of COVID-19, sounds like if we’re all stuck at home, what’s something to do? #Foodstagramming

The new trend, especially in our day in age of social media.

The data doesn’t lie!

There’s been an exponential increase in social activity regarding foodstagramming.

The number of posts, likes, comments are shooting up like crazy!

Randomly scrolling to linkedin, I find something interesting that affirms my beliefs of new trends were heading.

Along with the famous Dalgona coffee, you’ll find new crazy things like sugar free banana bread.

Are we excited? We say yes!

Especially if its sugar free.

Find a way to make the banana bread anabolic and we’re set.

What are we not excited about?

All of the extra weight gain.

This quarantine gives us an excuse to ourselves to not be accountable and let ourselves go. This is unhealthy in the long run.

We all know people who live in the moment and they look back after a few years and find out they regret their food choices.

Seriously, life ain’t high school anymore!

Your unstoppable metabolism will slow down. If you keep eating the way you do like you were in high school, you’ll find that you’ll start to see a double chin forming, some excess fat around the triceps and calves, and some rolls around the stomach.

We’re sorry! We don’t want you to be like that though!

Don’t make quarantine an excuse!

It’s okay to bake and make that dalgona or banana bread once in awhile.

Just don’t go too overboard.

The constant social media posts keep on going!

A new drinking game should be –

“Hey, go on your phone, check your Facebook, and see how many people post about gaining weight in quarantine. For each person you see post an image about gaining weight during quarantine, you take a shot”


Want to know how to lose weight during this quarantine?

Let’s take this at a worst case scenario. You’re stuck at home, with literally no gym equipment and no lifting equipment.

What do you do?

You take what you get.

At the very minimum, you will at least have some bottles of water, boxes of food, some furniture, even gallons of milk will do the trick.

You take whatever you can – say 2 gallon jugs of milk, and start lifting!

This is a worst case scenario and it sounds ridiculous!

This is infinitely better than doing nothing.

We realize how silly it sounds, but its better than just baking and watching Netflix all day long.

We love looking at trends and its way too easy to see that many people are just streaming Netflix all day long – we’ve even read around that the average streaming time from Netflix shot up from 4 hours to 8 hours!

Look, the numbers don’t lie!

Snapshot showing 6 months from today (April 17, 2020).

You can start seeing the decline around March with economic concerns over the virus, but once that government and fed stimulus started kicking in, you can see NFLX shooting up like crazy!

Netflix, Foodstagramming, Dalgonas, what’s next!

We’re all so interesting!