Easy Protein Meal – Soboro Don!

Soboro-Don – A delicious bowl and a satisfying way to hit your macro goals!

The classic Soboro-don (ground chicken and egg bowl) is a must have Japanese meal in your diet. With the high amount of protein in the ground chicken & egg, paired with the necessary egg , this meal will hit your daily meal goals and keep you satisfied.

Japanese meals in general are clean, easy to make, and healthy relative to many other food choices out there, and they never get old. People who adopt the Japanese style meal prep will never complain of the most staple item – Rice.

An easy to follow recipe as follows:

  • X lbs of ground chicken
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce per lb of ground chicken
  • 1 tablespoon of mirin per lb of ground chicken
  • 1 tablespoon of cooking sake per lb of ground chicken (its okay to skip out on this)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar per lb of ground chicken (half if you don’t want it too sweet, sugar is okay to have every once in awhile)
  • 2 eggs per lb of ground chicken
  • cooking oil
  • Steamed white rice
  • Green onion (A delicious topping to add on top of the bowl once finished, adds some texture and taste!)
  • Red Ginger (beni-shoga for the Japanese)
  • Pepper to top it off

The recipe is very simple to cook – just put oil on a pan, put the ground chicken on there, mix the seasoning as necessary, and let the chicken simmer. On another pan, make some scrambled eggs. With a rice cooker, start making some rice (the ratio we usually use for our rice is 2 cups water per cup of rice). The cooking will take approximately 30 minutes to finish.

P.S. Experiment with these bowls! They’re a fun, easy dish to make and there’s so much you can do with different sauces and seasoning combinations! Make sure to pair this with some veggies and you’ll be set for all of your macro and micronutrient goals!