Did You Know That Your Birthday Has Meaning?

Sure, we’ve all heard of things like astrology and horoscopes, love languages, Chinese Zodiac, Feng Shui, Meyer’s Briggs having connections to who we are as people…but did you know that your birthdate goes even beyond that?

This dates all the way back to ancient times!

That’s right, the Mayan period!

You probably remember something about the Mayans and the Aztecs in your social studies class in sixth grade…but what you don’t know that the Mayan people believed that life was pre-determined from the moment you were born.

The struggles you were meant to go through, the joys, the pleasures, the coincidences – it’s all predetermined.

Simulation confirmed.

Back in the early days, times were simple.

Life wasn’t about social media, sitting in traffic, living up to societal standards, political stance…it was about none of that!

There was no electricity, running water was very simple, the Mayans used fire for heat, rags for clothes, and didn’t have smartphones to sift through.

Their lives were determined upon birth through the prediction system that they followed.

Does this sound interesting to you??

Do you want to further understand how to be happy?

You can literally predict your future given just your birthday!

That’s insane!

It’s your lucky day you stumbled upon this page…

Want to learn more?

Check out this page, enter your birthday, and let the Mayan’s do their work.

Through that link… what you’ll find is your cosmic energy profile.

Your cosmic energy profile will indicate to you whether your cosmic energy translate to…

We are all connected, and everything happens for a reason.

You must believe that.

Whether you’re going through hard times, a divorce, a break up, a death in the family, sickness, ill health, know that there is a higher order out there.

Don’t just take things at face value.

There’s more to it than that.

Change your life today.

Be proactive.

Now’s the time.

There is a big difference in the philosophy of the Mayans vs. the Chinese Zodiac and even astrology….. the Mayan zodiac is based on energy, which exists all around us.

Energy pertains to nature – wind, the sun, water, people, laughter, joy – they can all uplift our moods just by “being”.

Again, check out your Mayan Seal on this ancient stone calendar:

Your seal and your life awaits!

If you’ve been into things like what cartoon character best resembles you or which of the Seven wonders would be your happy place, then this will blow you away.

Life is really uncertain, that’s for sure.

But the thought of making the uncertain, a certain thing….just the very thought of that gives me a big sigh of relief.

Day to day we all feel anxious, tired, stressed, sometimes to a point of no despair…but trust the Mayan System to get you out of the rut like it did for many many others…

2020 was a rough one, we all know that.

Let 2020 be the catalyst for you to change your future for the better.

To new love, to new prosperity, and to happiness!