Can Being Diabetic Be Linked To Bad Breath? You Might Want To Look Into Diabetic Keto Acidosis

Can Being Diabetic Be Linked To Bad Breath? You Might Want To Look Into Diabetic Keto Acidosis

We’re all prone to bad breath, but given genetics & diseases, some are more prone than others. However, if you have chronic bad breath, and have exhausted all reasons why but couldn’t find it, don’t rule the fact of being diabetic out.

Fun fact you might not have known about – Diabetes and bad breath are linked! Increased blood glucose levels are a function of bacterial growth in your mouth potentially causing the bad breath you have if you’re diabetic.

We’re all different.

You might’ve already heard that diabetes is linked with bad breath through periodontal disease or a high amount of ketones in the blood. (That’s right, if you’ve been on Keto, you know what I’m talking about – the same bad breath from Keto diet practitioners will experience what diabetics get)

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, try an easy experiment:

Don’t eat carbs for about ~12 hours (easy – meats/proteins for breakfast & lunch) and you’ll start to know what I’m talking about. The scent from the Ketones that your body produces is indescribable, but once you get it, you’ll know what it is. Try it out!

What Is It About Diabetes That Causes Bad Breath?

Diabetes is heavily associated to periodontal disease.

Studies show that one in three people with diabetes will experience bad breath symptoms due to periodontal disease.

Periodontal disease is essentially consisting of infections around the objects that surround the teeth – like the gums, alveolar bone, & the periodontal ligament.

Make sure you get that bi-annual dentist’s check up in!

How diabetes causes bad breath?

Diabetes impairs blood flow throughout the body, including your gums.

Without enough blood flow to the gums, they will fail to be healthy and function correctly to fight against bacterial infection so you’ll end up with that gross stinky breath.

The effects of diabetic disease can also compound as peridontal disease causes inflammation which can slow down metabolism and raise blood sugar levels, hell for diabetics.

It’s why the diabetic people you see are generally more on the heavier and rounder side.

High levels of ketones are also present as a symptom of having diabetes. Without insulin, the body cannot utilize glucose for its required metabolic energy and processes. An alternative means to this problem is for the body to burn and utilize fat instead ketones instead of glucose. (That’s why you’ll see many Ketogenic diet advocates raving about Keto for their massive weight loss)

Try these food for your experiment!

If you want to know the type of bad breath through Keto that I’m talking about is, try not eating any type of carb for ~24-48 hours and just eat foods similar to the ones above (add some protein too!) and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

If the blood reaches an insanely high amount of ketones, the body enters a state known as diabetic ketoacidosis, which causes a sweet fruity smelling breath.

This might not all sound too bad, but in diabetic ketoacidosis, the blood sugar levels reach a dangerously high amount which causes metabolic issues.

What to do if you have Diabetic Keto Acidosis?

If you are trying to deal with issues of bad breath while being a diabetic, make sure you’re under properly treated through medical care by a doctor.

If you have bad breath and you could possibly be diabetic, go get checked out immediately.

Diabetic keto acidosis is no joke.

See a doctor right away if you feel like this is relevant to you.

Once you’ve got everything related to diabetes taken care of, make sure you maintain a good oral health routine that consists of the essentials: brushing and flossing twice, daily.

If you’re interested in an online step by step program that targets bad breath right at the source and doesn’t just mask bad breath like gum does, check out bad breath free forever.

P.S – Use this link for a SPECIAL $10 off on your purchase to the program that will stop your bad breath dead in its tracks.