COVID-19: What We’re Forgetting About

What a time we live in. If you’re based in the United States, you’re likely seeing a major impact on your lives at this point in time. If you’re based in Los Angeles, California, you’re likely at home due to the “Stay At Home” order that was placed into effect on March 20 at midnight. If you’re working a non-essential job, most likely you’re just reading this at home, and the only exposure you’ll get outside is when you go to the grocery store. Not good for your overall health.

Here are some things you need to be doing to ensure your health will be upheld:

Bodyweight Workouts:

A lot of Americans are going to use gym closures and the Coronavirus as an excuse to stay at home, and let themselves go. You’re probably going to be on that “work from home” life for a little bit now, and likely not gonna get to have a good workout in for awhile.

If this is you, do the following workouts immediately – strive to do 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, and 100 squats per day. If this is way ahead of your fitness level, don’t worry about it, divide the quantity per workout as needed. The real key here is that you don’t just sit around, doing nothing, i.e. reading the news, binging Netflix, eating ice cream on the couch.

Message Your Friends:

You’re going to go insane without social contact. We as humans are social creatures. We need to interact with others. I found myself subconsciously looking at my phone, checking social media, texting my friends, almost whenever I had the chance. Hell, throw a zoom party! (No wonder ZM is doing so well)


Use this time to build up your knowledge. Learn a new skill. Learn some history. Learn some cool factual knowledge. As you continue to read, you’ll start seeing the positive effects of reading compound. You’ll be able to recall what you’ve read and articulate it into your conversations. Your mind will be able to connect topics and ideas better. You will be able to independently think more efficiently as you recall on the depth of knowledge you’ve consumed when you stumble upon something.

Meal Prep:

You’ve likely had to shop in bulk for your groceries and cleaning supplies at Ralphs, Trader Joe’s, Costco, so on and so forth. Use all of the extra time you save from not commuting and working from home to meal prep! Of course, as everyone recommends, buy frozen goods & non perishables, but this doesn’t mean you have to resort to eating foods like frozen veggies, uncrustables, or potato chips!

Continue the meal prep game as you buy in bulk. It’s going to be easy, especially with all the time and boredom you’re going through.

Learn How To Invest:

If you haven’t been investing, good for you. The majority of us are all jealous of you people that don’t invest or that’ve been looking to time the market. My portfolio is down about ~30% from highs. If interested, leave a comment below, I’ll do a breakdown on my portfolio and share my holdings, along with what I plan to do in the near future.

To be honest, I’m actually excited about this opportunity to start buying stocks at record lows for the year. If one plays it right, one could see a whole jump in their socioeconomic positioning when all of this unwinds. A 30% drop in the markets now, would mean at least 30% gains in the future after all of the market volatility starts subsiding.