Bad Breath – Why No One Talks About An Embarrassing Issue!

We all know about forbidden topics that will make the entire room freeze if mentioned. A person’s weight is one of those things that are taboo to talk about in front of others. Wanna know another societal taboo? Its bad breath. Its literally forbidden to talk about whether or not someone has bad breath. Its deemed … Read more

Bad Breath Is A Sign Of Poor Oral Hygiene, Don’t Let This Be You

Bad breath is an embarrassing indicator of your poor oral hygiene. Don’t let your coworkers or your friends and family know about your secret – the fact that you have bad breath. Having bad breath is similar to a guy not wearing properly tailored clothing that doesn’t fit him – everyone will notice, but not … Read more

If You Drink Alcohol, You May Have Halitosis

Bad breath, A.K.A Halitosis, can even be caused by drinking alcohol! You might even know what we’re talking about – a few drinks in (beer, tequila, rum, whiskey, you name it) and your breath starts smelling different and possibly unpleasant. Think about it when you drink something like beer and you burp, when you literally … Read more

A Rant On Why It’s Beneficial To Be Middle Class

The above image shows me packing my car in an early morning – around 06:30 am ish. What I have is my surfboard, lunch, study materials, and Jiu Jitsu gear. A typical work day for me goes like so – I wake up, pack up my stuff, head to the beach to go surf, dry … Read more

If You Don’t Train Martial Arts, Here’s Why You NEED To Start

Learning martial arts has so many benefits to one’s general wellbeing and promotes a healthy lifestyle. Martial arts teaches you how to fight. It gives you confidence. It gives you the courage shall you ever get yourself backed into a corner. What kind of a man doesn’t know how to fight? Even if you’re a woman, it … Read more