Wolf & Shepherd Bannister Derby, An Honest Review

I’d just recently been offered a new job, and have been looking for a nice pair of shoes to boost my shoe game. I’m a fan of something more sleek – I’m a big fan of Allen Edmonds, I have the Plain-Toe Carlyles in black, and those are as slim and sleek as I can … Read more

COVID-19: What We’re Forgetting About

What a time we live in. If you’re based in the United States, you’re likely seeing a major impact on your lives at this point in time. If you’re based in Los Angeles, California, you’re likely at home due to the “Stay At Home” order that was placed into effect on March 20 at midnight. … Read more

Choking Noises In One’s Sleep and Sleep Apnea

Many individuals are mildly affected by snoring during sleep. For some people, however, snoring can indicate the presence of a more-serious medical condition with additional complications. If your snoring is chronic and involves choking episodes, you are most likely suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.  Hopefully this isn’t you. You might even have to be forced to … Read more

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Rid Of Bad Breath – Halitosis

But first off, how do we know that we have bad breath? Bad breath is an embarrassing phenomenon and is essentially taboo to mention in daily life. It’s unfortunate that bad breath is very difficult to self indicate so you need to rely how others react around you to figure out whether you have Halitosis … Read more