Lung Disease Can Be Linked To Bad Breath – Who Knew?

Bad breath a.k.a Halitosis can not only be caused by bacteria in the mouth, but can also be linked to through medical issues related to lung disease. Respiratory diseases like Asthma, Cyctic Fibrosis, and lung cancer affect the lungs as they secret excess mucus, which then releases a bad odor in your breath. Asthma Asthma … Read more

Zenker’s Diverticulum And Bad Breath

What In The World Is The Zenker’s Diverticulum? Whatever It Is, It Could Be Giving YOU Bad Breath Now that I’ve got your attention with the crazy phrase in the title – if you’ve been searching all over the web for a way to get rid of your bad breath, did you know that not … Read more

5 Ways To Improve Your Oral Health

Diseases causing bad breath, such as Halitosis, can easily be prevented by adopting certain lifestyle habits. Not only applicable to bad breath, but also applicable to much of everyday life. Many of your results are a function of your lifestyle – where you are in your job is a function of what YOU have done … Read more