This One Simple Trick Will Get Rid Of Your Bad Breath!

Dentists say that most bad breath is an oral source (duh, about 80%, the remaining 20% being other genetic factors and symptoms such as Xerostomia or being born with the Zenker’s Diverticulum can also cause bad breath) More often than not, cavities and gum disease are the main indicators and causes of your bad breath, … Read more

Xerostomia and Halitosis – The Correlation Between The Two

When levels of saliva in the mouth lower, the result comes with bad breath, as the reduced amount of saliva flow in the mouth impairs the mouth’s natural functions to clean itself thoroughly. Xerostomia, another term for dry mouth, can cause an unbelievable amount of discomfort in the mouth, and leave your breath smelling gross. … Read more

True Or False – Does Mouthwash Eliminate A Bad Odor?

We all know that bad breath is associated with poor oral hygiene. At a minimum, you need to brush and floss twice a day. Otherwise, food & debris will accumulate between your teeth and gums, in which bacteria will grow and flourish, giving off a very unpleasant smell whenever you’re breathing or trying to talk … Read more