The Ultimate Fast Food Meal Of The Century….

The award for the most ultimate fast food meal of the century goes to…Chipotle! Its so unbelievably convenient to get, tastes great, doesn’t make you feel like shit unlike how most fast foods do, and you can stay lean while you eat it. With the whopping amount of protein, essential carbs through brown rice, nutrients … Read more

5 Delicious Top Snacks For Runners

If you’re a runner (I’m not, but I’m getting into it and getting ready for a half marathon soon), you’ll need to fuel your body with the right nutrition and snacks. That doesn’t mean cut out the sugar. In fact, as a runner or even an athlete, sugar is an essential. Just not too much of it, common sense. You’ll need … Read more

I Can’t Believe What The Carlson Liquid Fish Oil Did For My Body

Now I know why so many fitness groups and individuals all advocate fish oil – it works! Ever since I’ve started taking fish oil in my diet, I found that my joints literally feel lubricated.  We’ve all experienced the cracking and snapping of our joints – snap city, while working out or even doing everyday tasks. … Read more