The One Thing That Proves You’re Meant For Each Other

Do you have a big heart?  I mean, are you good at loving people? If so, your ex would be crazy not to let you back into his life. Here’s why. They say the meaning of life is to find your gift. And the purpose of your life is to give it away. But in order to give away your gift, someone must … Read more

Your One Shot at Getting Back with your Ex

If you had something beautiful going with your ex… And you know you could be great together… Then it’s worth taking one more shot at rekindling the romance with him. Because an emotional connection like that doesn’t happen every day. It’s worth fighting for. If you want to skip ahead to see what some people are calling … Read more

Don’t Convince Him, Do This Instead

When you’ve shared a special connection with someone, it’s hard to let it all go.  Especially when you know there’s still a lot of potential if he would just open his heart again. You could build a beautiful life together. If that’s something you want, then it’s only natural you would try to convince him that … Read more