Best Breakfast Ever – Anabolic French Toast! Step By Step

First off, I must say thank you to the Anabolic French Toast God – Greg Doucette, for forever changing the way I eat my breakfast. I used to skip breakfast and eat big lunches and dinners. Think intermittent fasting. But doing intermittent fasting got me way too hungry, especially working a demanding engineering job and training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 5x a week. I eat Anabolic French Toast literally every morning and could not be satisfied with breakfast any other way.

I’ve experimented with a little bit of trial and error and I’m going to show you a 100% no bullshit guide on how I make my Anabolic French Toast. Everything here can be substituted, the following is how I, myself, like to make my French Toast. The recipe can be optimized to lower fat and increase protein, but this is what I enjoy and I can sustain a lean physique this way.


  • Prep Time: 20 minutes (5 minutes active work)
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes


This is the version I make – I’m not too fond of the cinnamon or the sweet flavor that artificial sweeteners provide, so I like it nice and plain. The small amount of sugar in the bread is what makes it taste good enough! Keep the amount of sugar to a low whenever possible!

  • Whole Foods – Organic White Bread 4 slices
  • Whole Foods – Organic Egg Whites 1 carton
  • Kerrygold Irish Butter – 1/2 tbsp (Love this stuff, thanks for reddit paleo for the recommendation, lots of cool stuff over there)

Cooking Utensils Required:

  • Large Pan or Wok
  • Spatula
  • Butter Knife

Nutrion Facts (Based on 4 slices)

  • Calories (kcal): 660
  • Protein (g): 62
  • Carbohydrates (g): 66
  • Fat (g): 10


1. Get some Tupperware, take 4 slices of bread and place them in. Pour the carton of egg whites as you place in each slice of bread into the Tupperware. Try to get an even amount of egg whites with each placement of bread. Let the bread soak up the egg whites for about 20 minutes so that it gets real gooey.

2. Heat up a pan, slice a 1/2 tbsp of butter (if you want to really cut the calories, make the slice of butter as small as you can, as long as you can lubricate the entire surface of the pan). Place the butter on the pan and lube it up!

3. Place the bread on the pan once the butter heats up and starts sizzling. Be careful with this step! Depending on how soaked your French toast gets with the egg white, it may break just like mine did! Sorry for the poor visual, but this is what’ll happen to you! Guarantee it! Make sure you cook the French toast on LOW heat. If you cook the French toast on high heat, the surface will start to get burnt and will start sticking to the pan. If you’ve ever cooked eggs on a pan and burnt them – this behaves similarly.

4. Cook for 10 minutes, then flip! Also need to be careful at this step, depending on how soaked up they are, the bread will start to break as you try to flip them!

5. Cook for another 5 minutes after you flip the French toast on low heat.

6. You’re done! Serve yourself and grab a nice cup of black coffee to go with it.

Similar to Greg Doucette, I love to eat these every morning. It’s an easy 50 grams of protein you get in your diet that doesn’t even taste like a bodybuilding meal. I love bread and I love French toast so this dish is really easy to eat, effectively making being lean much easier.

Once you figure out what to eat, sustaining being lean is so much easier than trying to lose weight. You’re practically losing weight on auto-pilot once you adopt the foundation that you need. If you’ve been following me for awhile, I know I’ve been going on and on about adopting the right framework, but its true.

Check Anabolic Cooking for more recipes on getting ripped, all the while eating the foods that you love and enjoy.

At this point, the majority of us are stuck at home in quarantine, so why not make the most of it with the best recipes?