Best Beef Bowl Recipe For Bodybuilding 2021

If you’re a big fan of beef, rice, and Japanese cuisine, keep on reading, because you’re gonna love this Japanese recipe!

Japanese Beef Bowls! A.k.a Gyu-don!

For all you Yoshinoya beef bowl lovers, if you want to make your own beef bowl and ensure you have high quality meat and without all the nasty additives, cook yourself a beef bowl!


  • 2 lbs Certified Angus Beef Prime Chuck Roll For Kiritoshi
  • 10 Tbsp Kikkoman Soy Sauce (Low Sodium)
  • 5 Tbsp Kikkoman Aji-Mirin (Sweet Cooking Rice Seasoning)
  • 1 Onion
  • Rice

All of the ingredients above you can find at Marukai, a Japanese grocery store if you’re not familiar. If you can’t find any of the above – you can make substitutions! It’s easy to find whatever sliced beef you can. Soy sauce? Easy! Mirin? Not so much. If not Mirin, try to find some cooking sake.

For grocery stores – if Marukai isn’t available, try looking into Mitsuwa or Nijiya. If Japanese grocery stores aren’t available, try Asian ones – the Ranch market, or if not, then go to Whole Foods, Sprouts, Ralph’s, Vons, wherever you can. I’m sure you’ll find the ingredients in one of those grocery stores.

Optional Ingredients:

  • Japanese Brown Egg
  • Green Onions (15 g)
  • Ginger (10 g)

I say optional as I use these as toppings, but because of how great they taste with the beef bowls, I may have to make these mandatory!

Nutrition Facts (Per Serving):

Our assumptions would be that this bowl will yield 6 servings from the ingredients called out above:

  • Calories (kcal) : 525
  • Protein (g) : 31
  • Carbohydrates (g) : 28
  • Fat (g) : 29

Not too bad, for such a delicious meal – and healthier than getting a beef bowl from Yoshinoya whenever you have the craving! The hardest part in doing this is actually going out to get all the ingredients and to make sure that you have the proper cookware.

Note – we don’t call this an Anabolic Beef Bowl because of the above nutrition facts! But that’s okay! Not everything we need to eat has to be Anabolic! A great way to make this Anabolic is to use less of the mirin and use leaner beef. Unfortunately…the good stuff is what is bad for you!


If you’re short of a few utensils, just buy a set from CuisineArt! Cheap and gets the job done:

  • Pan
  • Wooden Spoon
  • Measuring Spoon
  • Cutting Board
  • Santoku Knife
  • Tongs

Side Note – We recently bought a fresh Santoku knife and it does wonders! As someone who usually doesn’t invest in nice cookware – its completely worth it! Cuts through meat, fish, and vegetables like a breeze! It’ll only cost you like 10 – 20 bucks for a knife, and down the line, make sure you invest in a knife sharpener to keep the blade sharp!


  1. Chop up some onions!

2. Take a bowl, mix in the soy sauce and the mirin.

3. Heat up a pan, to about medium heat, add a tablespoon of avocado oil onto pan, let the oil heat up onto the pan, then add the onions.

4. Once the onions start cooking (you can tell as the color starts to change), add the meat onto the pan.

5. Cook the meat till you see the meat turns 2/3 brown. Then add the mixture of soy sauce and mirin onto the meat. Let simmer for about 10 minutes.

6. After you let the meat simmer with the soy sauce / mirin mixture for about 10 minutes, you’re just about done! Your pan should look like the below!

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7. All you need to do now is the fun part – scooping yourself up your food to eat! Get a bowl of rice, gather up some meat, lay the meat on top of the bowl and voila! You’ve got your beef bowl for your gains! Add the optional toppings for optimal flavor!

If you thought this was good, then you’ll love the recipes in Anabolic Cookbook. The recipes all consist of the same framework – tasty, high in protein, and lower in fats. Get your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desert from the recipes in the Anabolic Cookbook and start getting lean and shredded in 2021!