Belief – Believe In This Moisturizer, This Stuff Works

The never ending search for a daily morning and evening moisturizer is over. I’ve found the one moisturizer that provides the benefits that I’ve been looking for – moisturizing my face without leaving too much sticky residue. Finally, a moisturizer that doesn’t leave dry patches, especially on my eyebrow area. (Bye eyebrow dandruff!)

I was recommended the belief moisturizing bomb by a friend. She claims to have dry skin, especially at winter time, which I never would’ve guessed since her skin is pretty damn nice. 

Belief Moisturizing Bomb

This product is designed to provide everlasting moisturizing effects for up to 26 hours. “Formulated with a moisturizing herb, Comfrey Leaf Extract” so you’ll know that your skin will get the finest of ingredients.

I used to dread winter time due to all the skin dryness I always get, but not anymore. Hell, besides my face, I’d get skin dryness on my stomach and all over my hands (to the point where the skin on my fingers started cracking). I just apply this moisturizer on wherever I feel the need to apply and let the moisturizer settle and enjoy the benefits of soft, clear skin.

If you’re shopping for a moisturizer and it’s around winter time, Sephora offers the Belif gift box – composing of a belif moisturizing bomb, moisturizing eye bomb, and aqua bomb sleeping mask, all for $38. This is practically a steal since normally the belif moisturizing bomb retails for $38 by itself, so you better get on this deal!

Just add these products in your normal nightly or morning skin care routine, after cleansing and what not, and you’ll be surprised at how your skin will feel throughout the day or even the morning after. 

Another gotcha for why you should get this moisturizing bomb set? Its a Korean manufactured brand. Koreans are notoriously known for caring about the integrity of their skin, their physical looks as a whole. If you go to Korea, you’ll see how prevalent skin care product stores, plastic surgery, hormonal therapy, and much more relating to physical appearances all over. Anytime a friend is to go to Korea, I’ll always ask for them to bring back some skin care products to test out as the Koreans love their nice skin.

P.S. You can even get it on amazon, but if you go in store at any Sephora, you’ll be getting the same moisturizer plus the eye bomb and the face mask! There’s always a limited stock on amazon so get yours now!