Bad Breath Is A Sign Of Poor Oral Hygiene, Don’t Let This Be You

Bad breath is an embarrassing indicator of your poor oral hygiene. Don’t let your coworkers or your friends and family know about your secret – the fact that you have bad breath. Having bad breath is similar to a guy not wearing properly tailored clothing that doesn’t fit him – everyone will notice, but not say a thing. You’ll see it in their non-verbal actions of what they really think. The person you’ll be talking to will either make some weird expression on their face, or will ensure to keep some distance from you. You will see this all the time, especially with older male coworkers. They typically let themselves go and won’t have a proper oral hygiene routine.

The face they all secretly want to make when they’re near someone with bad breath, we hope this doesn’t happen to you!

First things first, if you’re suffering from bad breath, lets review your oral hygiene routine. Its important to brush and floss twice a day, but that’s not all oral health is limited to. Its important that you brush your teeth, gums, and tongue, on top of flossing in the ridge between your teeth and your gums. Brushing and flossing removes plaque, as plaque is the main function as an output of poor oral hygiene. Ridding your teeth and gums of plaque will prevent bad breath, halitosis, and even gum disease such as periodontal disease. In addition to brushing, you need to use an antimicrobial or fluoride based mouthwash for even additional plaque removal.

Mouthwatering….but think twice before you really start to indulge in sugary sweets.

If we take the oral hygiene out of the equation and include the typical American diet, with both food and drink high in sugar, those sugary particles will get lodged in your teeth and gums and will cause bad breath and gum disease. Even foods such as onions and garlic are known to cause bad breath due to the chemical breakdown in the mouth that they cause so its important that you avoid them if you’re concerned about your breath. They’re frequent in many dishes so think twice about opting for something like garlic bread at an Italian restaurant or onion rings at your local fast food joint. Its possible for even your tongue to trap some of the bacteria associated with these foods which result in the long term odor you may suffer. If your teeth require additional fixtures like retainers or dentures, those need to be cleaned regularly, as if you leave them be and wear them everynight without cleaning them, you’ll literally see the plaque all over them. Make sure to also clean your teeth fixtures daily along with your teeth if you use them. This goes all the way to even sport mouthguards.

Look, you can even see the plaque forming on the retainers…

Make sure you schedule regular cleanings with your dentist, we recommend twice a year. If you’re starting to notice bad breath by either smelling it from yourself, or through the non verbal actions of others, make sure you notify your dentist ASAP.

If you’re also early enough that you’ve noticed you have potential issues with bad breath and gum disease, also check out bad breath free forever. Its an online, step by step program with multiple natural remedies designed to treat bad breath and gum disease. Check it out!