Choking Noises In One’s Sleep and Sleep Apnea

Many individuals are mildly affected by snoring during sleep. For some people, however, snoring can indicate the presence of a more-serious medical condition with additional complications. If your snoring is chronic and involves choking episodes, you are most likely suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.  Hopefully this isn’t you. You might even have to be forced to … Read more

How Do You Know If You Have Tonsil Stones?

If you’re frustrated with your google searching on tonsil stones, don’t fret any more, you’ve came to the right place! Tonsil stones, or otherwise known as tonsilloliths, are formed when the debris from food particles get lodged in between the crevices of your tonsils. They might even feel like bits of food that are stuck … Read more

Tonsil Stones May Be Why You Have Bad Breath

If you’ve been exhausting all your resources, and haven’t cracked the code on why you have chronic bad breath, let’s look a bit more outside the box, in our case, outside the normally considered anatomy of the mouth and look further beyond. Where to look?  Beyond the teeth and gums, through the tongue, until we … Read more