COVID-19: What We’re Forgetting About

What a time we live in. If you’re based in the United States, you’re likely seeing a major impact on your lives at this point in time. If you’re based in Los Angeles, California, you’re likely at home due to the “Stay At Home” order that was placed into effect on March 20 at midnight. … Read more

How I Got Screwed Over On United Airline’s Website

My Proposed Flight Itinerary For My Dream Brazil Trip: I had 2 weeks of time between jobs to take a vacation, and with it being such a last minute decision, it was stressful. I was all over the google flight search engine, along with a couple of other ones such as United, Chase Ultimate Rewards, … Read more

The Link Between Genetics And Tonsil Stones

Can Genetics Cause Certain Health Conditions Such As Tonsil Stones? If you’ve been wondering about your tonsil stones, and really can’t break it down – genetics may be the reason. Individuals who suffer from tonsil stones often wonder where their condition came from. Despite many years of studies, clinical researchers have not yet been able … Read more

The Effects Of Tonsil Stones – Short Term & Long Term

What purpose do the tonsils serve in your body? Your palatine tonsils are a pair of gland-like lymphatic structures that are positioned on either side of the back of your throat. This strategic placement allows the tonsils to protect the body from foreign pathogens that could enter the throat and lead to harmful effects for … Read more