Why You Should Lose Weight, In Today’s World, 2020

A really silent truth, but in today’s world, you’re treated differently if you’re obese or overweight. It’s sad to say that its’s becoming the norm that its normal to have a “gut” hanging out, or that its totally acceptable to binge on junk food and sweets. Why do we feel it has become this way? … Read more


Highly popular in 2020 in light of COVID-19, sounds like if we’re all stuck at home, what’s something to do? #Foodstagramming The new trend, especially in our day in age of social media. The data doesn’t lie! There’s been an exponential increase in social activity regarding foodstagramming. The number of posts, likes, comments are shooting … Read more

Hyperthyroidism And Our Weight Loss Story…

It’s been pretty widely known that people that struggle with hyperthyroidism struggle with weight loss. Does this mean that you shouldn’t try losing weight when you’re diagnosed with hyperthyroidism? We’d say you could. There are ways around it.  What is hyperthyroidism exactly? Hyperthyroidism is when the gland located on the bottom portion of your neck, … Read more