Best Beef Bowl Recipe For Bodybuilding 2021

If you’re a big fan of beef, rice, and Japanese cuisine, keep on reading, because you’re gonna love this Japanese recipe! Japanese Beef Bowls! A.k.a Gyu-don! For all you Yoshinoya beef bowl lovers, if you want to make your own beef bowl and ensure you have high quality meat and without all the nasty additives, … Read more

Fulfill Your Japanese Food Craving With Anabolic Chicken Curry!

Curry rice is such a staple in Asian households – especially in Japanese, Thai, and Indian cuisines. Go to any one of those culture’s restaurants and you’ll find curry! From Japanese curry, to Chicken Tikka Masala, to Thai Panang Curry, all such delicious and wonderful foods! It’s a great food to look forward to, especially … Read more

Best Chicken Adobo Recipe For Weight Loss In 2021

If you’re a fan of Asian cuisine, and you’ve been a fan of the Anabolic Diet Framework – high in protein, low in fats and carbs, I have a delicious Filipino dish for you! Introducing Anabolic Chicken Adobo! Cooking Time: Prep Time: 1 Hour Cooking Time: 1 Hour Total Time: 2 Hours Ingredients: 4-5 Pounds … Read more

Buddhism – Happiness Is The End Of All Suffering

I’ve recently come across Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari and oh god, its an amazing book. What I really enjoyed was the philosophy behind the general ideas presented – that what we feel is simply a function of our biochemical processes going inside of the body. It questions us – what derives consciousness? Is it … Read more