The Beginning Of Decentralization

If you haven’t been living under a rock these past few days, you’ll have already heard all about GME, AMC, reddit’s wallstreetbets, Melvin Capital, Robinhood, and dogecoin. For starters, if you have been living under a rock, what’s basically happening is that regular retail traders on r/wallstreetbets are trying to short squeeze Melvin Capital – … Read more

Why All The Hate Comments? Greg Doucette On Hate Comments

It was a good Sunday morning, I woke up, went for a run in my neighborhood, got to do some body weight workouts, and tended to my normal Sunday, which involved some cooking, shopping, and cleaning up, and getting ready for another week. I stumbled upon a YouTube video by Greg Doucette on responding to … Read more

Having A Bad Day In 2021? These 7 Things Will Make You Feel Better

It’s 2021. We’ve gone past the worst of it – the year of 2020. If you’re living in Los Angeles, the misery of the year 2020 kicked off with Kobe Bryant’s death, then out came the global pandemic that’s known as COVID-19, then came the lockdowns, the deaths, the illnesses, the social unrest in the … Read more

Best Breakfast Ever – Anabolic French Toast! Step By Step

First off, I must say thank you to the Anabolic French Toast God – Greg Doucette, for forever changing the way I eat my breakfast. I used to skip breakfast and eat big lunches and dinners. Think intermittent fasting. But doing intermittent fasting got me way too hungry, especially working a demanding engineering job and … Read more