Don’t Eliminate All The Bad, Just Be Sure To Get The Good

We all have to have those cheat days. Its okay, we’re all human. We need to enjoy ourselves once in awhile. Life gets really busy and we all get caught up in the moment, that its so easy to fall of the wagon of our daily routines. This includes diet. If you’re doing a good … Read more

The Ultimate Fast Food Meal Of The Century….

The award for the most ultimate fast food meal of the century goes to…Chipotle! Its so unbelievably convenient to get, tastes great, doesn’t make you feel like shit unlike how most fast foods do, and you can stay lean while you eat it. With the whopping amount of protein, essential carbs through brown rice, nutrients … Read more

This One Tool Will Make All Your Morning Allergies Go Away

I can’t believe it till I tried it – the Geniani Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier overnight, and the results were SHOCKING. We’ve all experienced the morning sniffles, waking up to a series of sneezes, red watery eyes, the list goes on. However, the usual everyday sniffles and congestion went away after just one night! Just … Read more

5 Delicious Top Snacks For Runners

If you’re a runner (I’m not, but I’m getting into it and getting ready for a half marathon soon), you’ll need to fuel your body with the right nutrition and snacks. That doesn’t mean cut out the sugar. In fact, as a runner or even an athlete, sugar is an essential. Just not too much of it, common sense. You’ll need … Read more