Robek’s Smoothies – Wellness Tip!

If you want an easy and healthy way to ingest all of your veggies and fruits in one sitting to get your vitamin and micronutrient dose – look no more. Try making smoothies or going to the smoothie store an every day habit. (Yes, it can get expensive, but you should not skip out on … Read more

How To Stop Bleeding Gums

Ever notice when you’re brushing your teeth, and you feel pain along your gums? Or when you spit out the toothpaste from after you’re brushing your teeth and you see that the spit is a mix of toothpaste and blood, causing that gross brown like mix? It could be a sign of early gum disease. … Read more

Easy Protein Meal – Soboro Don!

The classic Soboro-don (ground chicken and egg bowl) is a must have Japanese meal in your diet. With the high amount of protein in the ground chicken & egg, paired with the necessary egg , this meal will hit your daily meal goals and keep you satisfied. Japanese meals in general are clean, easy to … Read more

If Your Gums Look Like This, You Need To Read This

During your bi-yearly dentist check up (you should be going twice a year, insurance covers it!), you might notice that your dentist goes and scrapes the plaque and tar tar off your teeth. When your dentist is doing so, you might notice some pain and discomfort, and maybe even some bleeding. This is a warning. … Read more