Kidney Stones Aren’t The Only Stones That Can Form Inside Of Your Body…

We’re all familiar with what kidney stones are, but did you know such a thing called tonsil stones exist? Did you know that bad breath can even be caused by those tonsil stones? These stones are caused by calcification of material from the debris that accumulates within the crevices of the tonsils from eating food, … Read more

This Is What Is Ruining All Of Our Lives – Stress

Stress is unavoidable in life. Do too much and you get too overwhelmed. Do too little, and you constantly find yourself looking for what to do. It’s difficult to find a happy medium. For most of us, we deal with having to wake up early, go to a job we hate, go home to our … Read more

Your Mind Is Playing Tricks On You…Don’t Give In!

Your mind plays tricks on you. How? We constantly beat ourselves up over how we should look, feel, talk, dress, so on and so forth. Why? Because you are your own worst critic. Something that may be a big deal to you won’t be to someone else. For example, if someone sees a picture of themselves … Read more