Did You Know That Your Birthday Has Meaning?

Sure, we’ve all heard of things like astrology and horoscopes, love languages, Chinese Zodiac, Feng Shui, Meyer’s Briggs having connections to who we are as people…but did you know that your birthdate goes even beyond that? This dates all the way back to ancient times! That’s right, the Mayan period! You probably remember something about … Read more

How NOT To Make Pacific Cod Fillet In 2021!

Lately, I’ve been trying to switch it up in my diet and I’m really trying to figure out what makes me feel good and what doesn’t. I write my workout summary and my meal summary every night, and although it may seem cumbersome at first, you really start to notice trends regarding how you feel … Read more

Anabolic Chicken Enchilada Recipe (Thanks Remington James!)

If you like being lean, and you’re craving cheesy delicious Mexican food without all of the extra added calories, then I have a treat for you today! There’s those days sometimes where we have those cravings – for something cheesy. Think Burgers, Pizza, and Enchiladas! Great for a movie night with a date, any time … Read more

How To Make Salmon For Bodybuilders In 2021

We’ve all heard of chicken breast and broccoli…but where’s the love in salmon? Salmon is delicious. Along with providing essential Omega 3 fatty acids to combat inflammation, salmon provides a high amount of protein. Combine that with your favorite seasonings and some olive oil, you’re in world the best treat ever! I’ve only recently come … Read more

How To Make Tocaya Organica Like Bowls

I love being basic – it includes a lifestyle of being healthy and great food. Avocado toast? Yum. Sparkling water? Oh baby. Acai Bowls? Let’s keep em going! I really don’t get why the passive aggression towards “baseness”. Maybe people that are unable to make good life choices so they resort to eating junk food … Read more