Anabolic Chicken Enchilada Recipe (Thanks Remington James!)

If you like being lean, and you’re craving cheesy delicious Mexican food without all of the extra added calories, then I have a treat for you today!

There’s those days sometimes where we have those cravings – for something cheesy. Think Burgers, Pizza, and Enchiladas! Great for a movie night with a date, any time you’re having those late night cravings, or when you just want to cheat on your diet! I found the secret on how to be on track with your diet, while still being on track with your fitness goals, and it’s easy – The Anabolic Diet.

Introducing, Anabolic Enchiladas!

Image result for anabolic chicken enchiladas

Huge shout out to Remington James for this one! It’s a Sunday night as I write this, and man, after a week of eating clean chicken, fish, and veggies, I just have the cravings! I’ve learned throughout all my years that I can’t willpower my way through all of this – I have to listen to my body. Everything in moderation.

The only thing I’m feeling different tonight? I’m going with chicken!


  • 448g 96% lean ground Beef OR Chicken Breast/Thigh
  • 120g Diced green Chilies
  • Chili powder 3g
  • Garlic powder 6g
  • Cumin 3g (Optional)
  • Low carb-high fiber Tortilla 224g fat free mozzarella cheese (or cheddar)
  • 549g red Enchilada sauce

I’m cooking chicken thighs tonight, because I like buying things in bulk and they’re set to go bad soon. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Got to make what you can given what you’re given!

If these ingredients are too extreme for you? (I.e – fat free cheese – it’s okay, go with regular cheese!) Ultimately, the healthy part about this meal is that you’re cooking it. Just make sure to adjust the nutritional goals accordingly to make sure you’re on track!

When you cook your food, you know what goes in it. Restaurants aren’t always transparent with what they put in their food – all the sugar, salt, sodium, MSG to make it taste the way it is.

Worried about too much sugar and salt in your food? Stop eating out as much and get to cooking!


  1. Heat up some water, simmer your chicken thighs in Chili and Cumin powder seasoned water for 15 minutes.

2. On the side, start chopping up some onions and garlic. This was an addition we made – we like more texture and find that the calories in diced/crushed onions and garlic are pretty negligible.

3. Take the chicken out and start shredding it up!

Don’t worry if chicken isn’t fully cooked yet – it’s gonna cook when you put it in the oven!

4. Sauce the garlic and onions, then put the chicken in, then pour the can of Red Enchilada Sauce, Diced Chiles, sprinkle some paprika, garlic powder, and chili powder in there. Mix accordingly. Should look something like this:

5. After that’s done, take some tortillas, microwave em, as this allows them to form the shape of the enchiladas, take some of this delicious mix, and put her on and start stacking them! Before you do, make sure you got some non stick on your baking pan and that you have a nice coating of your enchilada sauce on the bottom!

6. Once you got that all done, sprinkle the cheese and the enchilada sauce!

7. Put her in the oven at 350 deg F for 30 minutes, and enjoy your Anabolic Enchiladas!

Bonus Step: Add some refried beans! The good news? These are ANABOLIC! Look at these macros:

Very minimal amount of fat and lots of protein! Trust me, tastes amazing and you’ll be surprised that these Amy’s Refried Beans have these macros.

Easy to prep – just take them out of the can, put em on a pot and voila, after a few minutes, you have delicious Anabolic refried beans. I love adding the Anabolic prefix to my meals – makes me feel shredded and lean!

Anabolic Chicken Enchilada Dinner Is Served:

Like this recipe and want to check out some more? Head Over To Anabolic Cooking for more delicious Anabolic recipes – high in protein, lower in fat and carbohydrates, and recipes that taste darn amazing.

Eating delicious meals like Salmon and veggies during the week and getting to “cheat” with an Anabolic dish like Enchiladas during the weekend?

Man, life is good! Cannot complain! Try It!