Who Is UnitedHealthGuru?

UnitedHealthGuru is an industry expert regarding all things alternative and non-traditional relating to health. I became more into health as I picked up Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, as it is a very taxing on the body. I also learned about proper nutrition and optimal recovery. Yoga has allowed me to wake up feeling loose and relaxed every morning. If it weren’t for yoga, I would be a frail old man.

As I dove deeper into the realm of health, I became stuck in a rut. I focused on myself and my health, to the point where my relationships started to suffer. I lost contact with my friends, my girlfriend broke up with me, and I even became alienated from my own family. This is when I turned to the stars and I discovered astrology, spirituality, and became obsessed with Tarot Card Readings.

I just wish to pass down what I have learned to help others in the journey to alternative and non-traditional forms of health. Unfortunately, mainstream health advice has let us down. It has let most of the American people down.

We’re sure you’ve seen this somewhere before…unflattering

Look at the average individual – they are not in good shape. Although to each their own, I don’t think they are living the most optimal lives they can if the average individual does not stay in shape. Exercise, a healthy diet, and a healthy mind go a long way in this crazy world.

I apologize if I have offended anyone, I truly am sorry. I do understand that being healthy – physically, mentally, and emotionally is not easy. The craziness of everyday life affects each of us differently. We do anyone no favors if we are lying to ourselves by saying things such as “Healthy at every size”.

Join UnitedHealthGuru’s journey to achieve true health – physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional. Once we achieve those four pillars of health, we believe you become born again.

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