A Guide To A Perfect Morning

With times like these, where many of us are forced to work from home, we’ve definitely had those days where we would roll straight out of our bed onto logging onto our computer. We would turn on the light in our room, wait for our eyes to adjust, and see ourselves making mistakes, hitting the wrong keys to log in, hoping that we won’t get locked out or our windows computer won’t take too long on us. Once we’re logged in, we’ll sit in our uncomfortable chair, do some neck exercises to loosen up the body, wait for everything to turn on, open outlook, and get cracking on our emails.

While we check our emails in the morning, we might do things and get distracted like reading the news or do some online browsing (you’re guilty, and I’m guilty too!).

After a few good 30 minutes, you start to remember what tasks you were working on the day before, or you check what you have flagged, or you might call into a meeting.

But you’re still tired!

We sympathize with you and your fatigue. It’s really common to be so tired and feel so fatigued nowadays with the lack of normalcy, gym closures, and exposure to people. We’re social creatures. The situation presented at hand is unprecedented and we’re all still learning how to deal with this. Learning how to deal with this won’t happen overnight, or even the course of a few days, it’s going to take weeks or even months.

What do we like to do to ensure a perfect morning?

I like getting out of bed, and logging onto my computer just as much as you do, but as I do things like wait for the machine to log on or wait for my account to log into the server, I’ll move around – do squats, sit ups, and push ups.

I make a habit of doing these whenever I can. They get the blood flowing and the muscles loose.

If you have time before, after, or during a meeting, go for a walk around your block. Sitting all day is terrible for you. Same with getting no sun. Vitamin D deficiency is a real issue and its one of those things that can creep up on you and not notice till you have something like a doctor tell you that your Vitamin D levels are low and you then connect the dots and realize that you’ve been feeling pretty crummy.

Convert Your Commute

If you now work from home, you’ve realized that you’ve potentially saved ~2 hours a day depending on your commute. Using this average value as an example. That’s 2 hours of extra time and energy on your hands! 2 hours a day of driving in traffic is killer and stressful. That feeling when you get off work, hop into your car, start driving onto the freeway, only to see a crowded on ramp and bumper to bumper traffic? The misery never ends!

Use the time you save to do something productive – something that you need to do in your day. Kill two birds with one stone. Or, kill as many birds with that same stone!

Log into your computer and make some coffee or breakfast. This will start the day off right for you. You’ll feel productive in getting things done and this will offset any feelings of morning fatigue you’ll have.

This can even be walking to your nearest Starbucks or McDonalds and getting yourself a coffee.

If this feels like splurging, no worries, you can even just do something else – play with the kids, call a friend, watch the news. The key here is ultimately establish a feeling of normalcy and a feeling of control.

When you get to do the things you want to do per your morning ritual – you feel like you’re in control and you’ll have a more positive outlook on life.

Walk Around The Block

If you have a smartphone, take a good look at the Health app.

Look at the amount of steps you’ve taken and you’ll notice forsure that you’ve gone downhill!

I did!

If not, good for you, keep it up!

If so, then make a habit of going on walks for your breaks.

Your posture won’t be so compromised all the time and you’ll feel loose. I’m noticing a lot of mobility in older adults gets taken away due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Set A Financial Goal!

Plant your money tree starting today!

Whether it be to save a few thousand dollars, begin investing, looking into alternative currencies as we think the the value of the dollar starts dropping with all the money that is being printed out…

You’re saving all this money by not going out, not eating out with your friends, not having to drive to work, that you can funnel all this money and do something with it and not even feel bad about it! It’s money you would’ve already spent anyways based on life demands, but given current times, you’re saving so much money!

This will keep you focused on something and give you something to look forward to.

I see it over and over where adults really have nothing to look forward to, and they just seem to be sucked up in the mundane routine of life.

Don’t let this be you!