5 Delicious Top Snacks For Runners

If you’re a runner (I’m not, but I’m getting into it and getting ready for a half marathon soon), you’ll need to fuel your body with the right nutrition and snacks. That doesn’t mean cut out the sugar. In fact, as a runner or even an athlete, sugar is an essential. Just not too much of it, common sense. You’ll need to replenish muscle glycogen for those long beach and hill runs that you’ll be adding in your training!

Here are the top 5 snacks that I’ve been recommended by runners to help get you in tip top shape for your marathon! If you’re a part of that couch to 5k life, its about time to step it up and get yourself ready for a half! Such a wonderful accomplishment!

  1. Zevia Organic Tea
Zevia Organic Tea
From Zevia.com

Zevia organic teas are a delicious, refreshing and flavorful drink that you can normally drink throughout the day or after your workout to leave you feeling quenched. Its a zero calorie drink so you won’t need to worry about gaining weight from drinking too many of these. This product is even made with all natural, organic ingredients – the supplier is passionate in their product.

2. Nuun Hydration Electrolyte Drink Tablets

Strawberry Lemonade
From Nuunlife.com

These quick and easy to carry tablets are essential in replenishing your body’s lost electrolytes through all the sweat that your body uses to cool you off! From anywhere to something like a run or a hike, this will be convenient for you to mix with some water in. It’ll be a quick replenisher without the negative effect of intaking more carbs if you’re watching out for it.

Our favorite is the strawberry lemonade!

3. Qure Alkaline Water – Purified Water Infused with Alkaline Minerals

QURE® Alkaline Water 1L Bottle Pallet | QURE Water

You’ll read over and over that you need to be hydrated. We recommend Qure Alkaline Water – you’ll literally feel the difference between this and the typical water you probably drink within the first sip. The water gives your body essential minerals you’ll need along with the pleasant experience of drinking it!

4. Kind Bars

From Kindsnacks.com

These are fucking delicious. They’re also packed with protein to aid in the muscle recovery. With a whopping 12g of protein in these bars, you’re sure to get the necessary recovery aid in your post workout regimen. These bars go up to 250 calories, but if you’ve been running non stop lately then chances are, you’ll be needing all the calories you can eat. It takes awhile to get to that point, but life is so much more enjoyable once you hit that point!

5. MRM – Egg White Protein


A unique egg white protein completely lactose free, excellent for anyone who is in need for a quick, on the go protein recovery. We recommend getting about ~20-30g of protein in from a shake. Grab some powder, put it in a bag, bring some water, or better yet, mix it with almond milk, and you’ll be good to go. Post work out recovery has never tasted so good!

P.S – If you’re a runner, you might want to add some yoga in your recovery as well! You will feel amazing.